Bulletin No. 2, 2016

18 Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2016 Developing courseware and multimedia instructional content to engage the net generation outside the classroom is essential for flipped teaching and learning. Capturing videos, creating simulated animations and adding post- production elements, however, involve expensive equipment and professional support. To address rising pedagogical needs, the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE) was established in January 2016 to provide support for courseware development and initiatives such as micro-modules and MOOCs. Institutional Commitment to E-learning The University is committed to strengthening i t s infra s t r uc ture and suppo r t s y s tems to advance e-learning, which includes increasing Wi- Fi capacity on campus, setting up grant schemes for multimedia content development, and founding ELITE managed by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR). ‘We encourage, facilitate and support the use of innovative technology for teaching and learning at CUHK. To this end, ELITE has been established to provide space, facilities and teaching support for e-learning projects,’ said Prof. Benjamin W. Wah , Provost of CUHK. Creating a Digital-friendly Campus ELITE offers technical support for developing t e a c h i n g m a t e r i a l s with the latest digital technology. According to Prof. Cecilia Chun (photo), Director of CLEAR, users can apply real-time multimedia sources to create special visual effects in a chroma-key studio, readily and easily. ‘We also host workshops and seminars to initiate interdisciplinary collaborations,’ she added. ‘ The media production specialists have been helpful in equipping our student helpers with the techniques to edit the video clips and create quizzes for the micro-modules designed for students’ self-regulated learning. ’ a lecturer of the University General Education Foundation programme