Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013
FINANCIAL AIDS TO STUDENTS Volunm One • April 1965 • Number Ten Nearly half of the entire student enrolment of the University are receiving some form of financial aids from private or Government sources in the academic year of 1964/65. The following is a table showing the break-down of figures at the beginning of the present academic year:- Total Scholarship in Government Government Students various forms Scholarship Bursaries Total Chung Chi 665 286 38 61 385 New Asia 596 209 7 50 266 United 450 131 3 27 161 1711 626 48 138 812 Percentage 100 36.59 2,81 8,06 47.46 THE LONG AND ARDUOUS ROAD The Vice-Chancellor's Speech at the Fourth Congregation Volumn Two • November 1965 • Number Four Let me first of all take this opportunity to con- gratulate all the graduates for having completed the University requirements for Bachelor's degrees. The road has been long and arduous. Your final degree examinations were conducted with external examiners, many of whom are outstanding scholars in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Commonwealth universities. Your successful effort has now been properly rewarded with University degrees or Uni- versity diplomas. Having congratulated you, I must quickly add that you should not therefore be self-satisfied. While your degrees have been recognised by Government, by the local community, and by other universities, it is very much up to you yourselves to demonstrate to them the real worth of the training given in The Chinese Uni- versity, The great majority of you, who are not pursuing advanced studies here or abroad, will soon start your career. I hope you will always consider this University as a source of your strength and support. I am keenly conscious of the fact that the University has not lived up entirely to your expectation in many respects. Particularly, the announcement of the results of your degree examinations has been so late as to The Chancellor, H.E. the Governor, Sir David Trench, arrives at City Hall for the 4th Congregation. On his left, the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-Ming Li. render it practically impossible for many of you to make personal plans during the whole summer. We have been looking into this matter seriously and will soon formulate a procedure that will correct this un- fortunate situation. You may rest assured that we are making relentless efforts to build the University into an institution of which you can be justly proud. In these efforts you are invited to participate and to do your share. Sources of Strength A university derives its strength from two sources: first, from the scholarship of its faculties, that is, their research and original contribution to knowledge ; and second, from the quality and performance of its graduates in the community. No university deserving its name can afford to devote itself mainly to undergraduate teaching with no great emphasis on research. Indeed, 3
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