Annual Report 2002–03
服務香港 放眼世界 SERVICE TO HONG KONG AND THE WORLD 社會服務 過去一年,不少中大成員為眾多海內外組織和學 術機構提供專業知識及意見,他們或出任委員會 的正副主席或委員,或協助編輯學術期刊,或擔 任顧問工作,對各地社會作出極多貢獻,備受表 揚,並獲多項獎譽。 其中兩名成員於二零零二年獲香港特別行政區授 勳,分別是獲授銀紫荊星章的地理學講座敎授楊 汝萬敎授,以及獲銅紫荊星章的大學校董吳方笑 薇女士。 另,金耀基校長獲台灣逢甲大學委任為第十五屆 董事會成員。內科及藥物治療學講座敎授沈祖堯 敎授獲《時代》週刊選為亞洲英雄,表揚其對抗非 典型肺炎的貢獻。博文講座敎授楊振寧敎授獲香 港科技大學頒授榮譽理學博士學位。自動化與計 算機輔助工程學系徐揚生敎授和訊息工程學系楊 偉豪敎授獲選為電機暨電子工程師學會院士。 推廣文化藝術 中大及其成員書院經常舉辦傑出學人訪問計劃, 邀請世界知名學者蒞校,主持講座及硏討會,促 進學術交流。過去一年,在中大主持講座的著名 學者有諾貝爾化學獎得獎人李遠哲敎授、諾貝爾 經濟學獎得獎人 Prof. Reinhard Selten 、國家財政 Community Service In 2002-3, University faculty and staff continued to lend their expertise to many local and international organizations, serving these bodies in such capacities as chairpersons, presidents and vice-presidents, c omm i t t ee members, editorial board members, advisers, and consultants. Their dedicated service and significant contribution to the betterment of the local and international community won them many accolades. Two members of the University were on the Year 2002 Honours List of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Prof. Yeung Yue-man, professor of geography, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star. Mrs. Ng Fong Siu Mei, member of the University Council, was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star. 沈祖堯敎授 (右) 與其 D i r t y Team 成 員 Prof. Gavin Joynt ( 左) 和譚麗珊醫生 (中) 領受「亞洲英雄」獎項 Prof. Joseph Sung (right) receiving the 'Asian Hero' award with two other members of the Dirty Team, Prof. Gavin Joynt (left) and Dr. Tam Lai-shan (middle) 6 0 香 港 中 文 大 學 年 報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003
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