Annual Report 2002–03
教育學院 Faculty of Educa t i on 推行中學敎學語言指引之評鑑研究 此計劃由曾榮光敎授領導,著重分析於一九九七 年七月公布並於翌年落實的《中學敎學語言指引》 的執行狀況及其對學生的影響。首階段是分析及 比較被派往中文中學(中中)及英文中學(英中) 的初中學生,在學業及心理社交發展的異同,並 探索該等發展差別的成因。第二階段則集中跟進 這些初中學生升讀高中後的狀況。 首階段的研究結果顯示,英中及中中學生無論在 學業或心理社交發展上都有著顯著的差異。在影 響學生發展的五項「學習環境」因素中,以「制度 層面」的影響最大,包括學生升中前的學業成 績、就讀中學所採用的授課語言,以及該校的整 體成績水平等。其他具影響的「學習環境」因素包 括學生的學習性向、課堂氣氛、學校的學習風 氣,以及學生的家庭環境等。 第二階段的研究將於二零零四至二零零五學年完 成,將可就《中學敎學語言指引》對學生在整個中 學階段的學業及心理發展的影響,繒製出全面的 圖像。 Evaluating the Implementation of the Medium of Instruction Guidance for Secondary Schools The research project focuses on the effects and consequences of the policy set out in the document Medium of Instruction Guidance for Secondary Schools, which was published in September 1997 and implemented in September 1998. The research, which is led by Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong, consists of two phases. In the first phase, it traced and compared the academic and psychosocial developments of junior-secondary students who were assigned by the government to schools using English or Chinese as the medium of instruction. The study also analysed the factors contributing to any differentials in the development of students in the two types of schools. In the second phase, sampled students will be traced into their Secondary 4 and Secondary 5 years. The first part (i.e. junior forms) of this study revealed that there are significant differences between the two groups of students in terms of academic achievement and psychosocial development. Among the five levels of learning environment contributing to their development, institutional factors have the greatest effect on their learning outcomes. Such factors include students' prior academic achievement, placements in EM I or CM I streams, and schoolmates' general academic-ability levels. Other factors contributing to learning outcome include students' learning habits, classroom learning environment, school learning ethos, and the socio-cultural learning environment in families. The second part (i.e. senior forms) of the study will be completed in the 2004-5 school year. By then, a comprehensive picture of the academic and psychosocial developments of sampled students throughout their secondary schooling will be available. 研究 Research 55
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