Annual Report 2002–03
傑出研究計劃 Outstanding R e s e a r c h P r o j e c t Faculty of Business Administration 工商管理學院 香港與珠三角經濟聯繫 中國經濟改革開放促進了港粤經濟的互動乃至整 合。在段樵敎授領導下,此研究探討大珠江三角 洲(大珠三角)地區因此而體現的多種聚集經濟效 益,及其政策涵義。研究人員經過實證研究,肯 定了香港二 十 年來在推動外商直接投資大珠三角 地區上,發揮了核心城市的功能;並確定和量化 了珠三角城市與香港之間公路距離的近遠,對引 資效果大小的顯著影響。他們的結論是:若發展 基建連結珠三角西岸與香港,在引資上有顯著的 直接效益。研究人員也推算了直接產值效果等, 並提出地方政府應如何合作及制定相關政策的建 議。 Hong Kong-Pearl River Delta Economic Linkage L ed by Prof. Chyau Tuan, this research study focuses on the significance o f the agglomeration effects in the economy o f the H o ng K o n g - P e a rl River Delta ( H K - P R D) region after China's economic open-door policy and reform. It verifies the role o f H o ng K o ng as a metropolis that has functioned as a core in mobilizing foreign direct investment (FDI) for the region since the 1980s. The study also demonstrates and c o n f i r ms the p o w er o f the agglomeration effects in the facilitation of F D I inflows in the context of a core-periphery relation via the core to the peripheral PRD and especially to PRD-West. The effectiveness of such a 'connection' is assessed by means o f an estimated gravity model w i th the construction o f new infrastructure (e.g. a bridge connecting H o ng K o n g and PRD-West). The research findings suggest that better infrastructural p r o v i s i on is critical to regional F D I absorption and diffusion. The effects on output growth and employment are discussed and recommendations regarding the necessary consolidation o f governmental efforts and policies are made. 54 香 港 中 文 大 學 年 報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003
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