Annual Report 2008–09
43 研 究 Research 成立公民社會資料庫 Construction of Civil Society Database 由公民社會研究中心及香港亞太研究所合作進行的公民社會資料庫計劃已經展 開,由中心主任陳建民教授主持,並獲大學重點研究領域─中國研究─資助。計 劃旨在向各界人士提供有關大中華地區公民社會各類重要資訊,同時,資料庫亦 可以協助社會科學學者進行各種量性及質性的研究。 中心已進行多次訪問,與國內不同的單位、機構建立了良好合作關係,希望資料庫 有助提高公眾對公民社會的關注意識,並將公民社會知識推廣至國內。 Funded by the Chinese Studies Major Area of CUHK, the Centre for Civil Society Studies has been cooperating with the Hong Kong Institute of Asia- Pacific Studies to construct a Civil Society Database (CSD). The project led by Prof. Chan Kin-man, director of the centre, aims at providing significant information on both static and dynamic aspects of civil society in China. The database is very useful to scholars across the social sciences, whether their approach emphasizes quantitative or qualitative research methods. Many interviews have been conducted and partnership has been established among different parties and institutes in China. Through the CSD, it is hoped that public awareness can be promoted and knowledge of civil society can be disseminated within the region. 研發生命優糧 Better Food for Life 國家科學技術部批准成立「農業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)」(實 驗室),與中國農業大學國家重點實驗室結成夥伴。二零零八年九月,中國政府宣 布推出為期十三年、總額達三十五億美元之「轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專 項」,當中的「作物產量、抗逆和高營養相關功能基因的發掘與機理研究」項目, 將由中大研究人員通過實驗室的平台,與中國農業大學深入協作,主力完成。這將 是香港科研隊伍全力參與國家重大科研的先例。 The establishment of the State Key Laboratory (SKL) of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) in partnership with the SKL at China Agricultural University (CAU) was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2008, the Chinese government rolled out a total of US$3.5 billion for a research and development initiative on genetically modified crops and animals. Through the SKL platform and deep collaboration with CAU, the CUHK team will play a leading role in a funded project titled ‘Identification and Mechanistic Study of Genes Related to Crop Yield, Nutrition and Stress Tolerance’. This project should set precedence for the full participation of Hong Kong scientists in research projects of high national priority. 改善無線網絡表現 Improvement of WLANs Performance 該研究項目由中大與美國哥倫比亞大學及微軟研究所(雷德蒙德)的研究人員共 同開展,論文獲 ACM CoNext 2008最佳論文獎。 無線網絡在商界和家庭中日漸普及,但網絡傳輸媒介本身的不穩定,令數據傳送 表現仍偶欠理想,影響用戶接收訊息。研究提出改善無線數據傳送的實用方案, 以SoftRepeater系統解決目前IEEE 802.11無線網絡的「傳輸率異常」問題,即低 速站點拖慢高速站點的數據傳送流量。該系統能令高速站點在有需要時轉為中繼 器,為低速站點傳送數據。模擬和實驗測試證明,SoftRepeater能把目前的積累 數據傳送流量提高達兩倍。 中國研究 Chinese Studies 傑出研究計劃及國際會議 Notable Research Initiatives and International Conferences 生物醫學科學 Biomedical Sciences 訊息科學 Information Sciences
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