Annual Report 2003–04
校長報告 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 今天是我出任香港中文大學校長的最後一天,也 是我結束三十四個寒暑的豐盛中大校園生活,迎 接渴望已久的退休新生活的一天。離別在即,難 免依依,令人欣慰的是,中大已經茁壯成長,萬 里騰飛,在日新又新的發展過程中,堅守雙語並 重、敎硏並重、專業與通識並重的敎育宗旨,中 大已成為一間創校先賢所標示的硏究型的國際性 大學。 騰飛四十 精進日新 二零零三至二零零四年度是中大歷史裡不尋常的 一年。 非典型肺炎在二零零三年春襲港,中大暫停四十 周年校慶活動,全力協助社會對抗疫症。疫情過 去,社會元氣漸復,我們才陸續復辦原定的慶祝 項目;結果,今年的校園更活力澎湃,風采煥 然。 中大以「立足香港,心繫中國,面向世界」為定 位。要開創未來,先得總結過去,我們趁四十周 年校慶良機,舉辦了大型的校慶博覽會,向公眾 展示中文大學與香港社會同步成長的歷史,服務 This day marks the end of my vice-chancellorship at the Chinese University and the completion of 34 years of active career on this magnificent campus. It also marks the beginning of a retirement to which I have long looked forward. On the eve of my departure, it heartens me to see that the University is seeking continuous renewal, that it adheres to its policy of bilingualism, that it places equal emphasis on teaching and research, and that it continues to nurture generalists within specializations. Indeed it has evolved into the university envisioned by its founders — a research university of international character. Advance and Excel The year 2003-4 was an unusual one for the University. When SARS struck in the spring of 2003, the University suspended its 40th anniversary activities and plunged into the combat against the disease, resuming celebrations only after the epidemic had subsided and recuperation had set in. Our vibrant campus today bears little trace of the bitter battle that has been won. The Chinese University positions itself as an academic institution in Hong Kong rich in Chinese heritage and international in outlook. To celebrate the future, we must honour the past. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary, an anniversary fair was held to showcase the University's intimate links with Hong Kong's growth over the last four decades and its contributions to 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 2
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