Annual Report 2003–04
醫學院 重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of MEDICINE •新 設 立 的 研 究 中心和 研 究 所 有: 一 蔡 永 業 心 血 管 中 心 一 防 疫 研 究 中心 一 人 類 傳 意 科 學 研 究所 一 學 習 資 源 中心 一 林 百欣 遺 傳 眼 疾 研 究 中心 一 微 創 治 療 技 術 培 訓 中心 •學院於二零零四年二月七日首次舉行科研日,有二百多名 敎師及研究人員出席,闡釋最新的研究項目,以推動各部 門之間的合作。 •護理學學士學位課程今年經全面檢討,以配合社區需要和 護理專業的發展。新課程以「健康與疾病連線」為骨幹, 學生將會先學習照顧輕微病患者,繼而學習護理社群及有 嚴重和複雜疾患者。課程會更著重公共衛生、流行病學、 傳染病控制、補充替代醫學及社區護理。學生由學院及臨 • T h e following institute and centres were set up: - G . H . Choa Cardiovascular Centre - C e n t r e for Emerging Infectious Diseases - I n s t i t u te of Human Communicative Research - T e a c h i ng and Learning Resource Centre - L i m Por-yen Eye Genetics Research Centre - M i n i m a l l y Invasive Surgical Skills Centre • O v e r 200 academic and research staff of the faculty participated in Faculty Research Day on 7th February 2004. Themed 'Accelerating Research Through Collaboration', it provided a forum for researchers to present their latest research work, discuss new ideas, and explore collaborative opportunities. • A major review of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Nursing programme was conducted. The focus of the new curriculum is the wellness-illness continuum. More emphasis is placed on public health and epidemiology, infection control, complementary and alternative medicine, and community care. Clinical nursing practice is arranged in blocks of field practice in each academic term. These blocks of clinical practice, under the preceptorship of clinical instructors of the school and clinical mentors of the hospitals, provide students with a consolidating period of practice for the application of nursing knowledge and skills in a variety of health care settings. 醫學院獲政府委約進行有關傳染病的臨床測試和公共衛 生研究,合約總值二千五百萬港元。衛生福利及食物局 局長楊永強醫生和金耀基校長代表雙方約後互賀。 Dr. E.K. Yeoh, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, and Prof. Ambrose King at a signing ceremony for the commission of projects on clinical trial and public health in infectious diseases. The bureau granted HK$25 million to the faculty for the projects. 醫學院院長鍾尚志敎授(右二)向嘉賓介紹新臨床醫學大樓的設計 Prof. Sydney Chung, dean of medicine (right 2), introducing the model of the New Clinical Sciences Building to guests 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 34
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