Annual Report 2007–08
16.10.2007 大學校董會通過接受一筆港幣一億五 千萬元的捐款,成立和聲書院,使書 院總數增至九所。 CUHK Council approved the acceptance of a major pledge of HK$150 million for the establish- ment of Lee Woo Sing College, bringing the total number of Colleges to nine. 17.10.2007 中大及新世界發展有限公司為香港凱悦酒店一 沙田舉行平頂典禮,酒店除了提供住宿和餐飲 等服務外,也為中大酒店及旅遊管理學院提供 理想的培訓場所。 CUHK and New World Development Company Limited jointly organized the topping-out ceremony for Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin. The hotel will offer a full range of hospitality services while providing an ideal training venue for the University's hotel and management programme. 27.10.2007 中大社區植林計劃展開,百多名校友、教職員 及學生在大埔滘自然護理區內的草山體驗種植 之樂,計劃目標是五年內在該處種植一萬棵植物。 The CUHK Community Afforestation Scheme kicked off. Over a hundred alumni, teaching staff and students experienced the joy of gardening at Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve. The target of the scheme was to grow 10,000 trees in five years. 2.11.2007 「樂步行」第二次舉行,近六百人參加,享受 健步之樂,並認識校園優美環境。 About 600 staff and students took part in the second Walking Campaign. The event aimed at promoting exercise as a means to a healthier lifestyle and acquainting University members with scenic spots on campus.
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