Annual Report 2007–08
78 Donations, Finance and Accounts 捐贈、財務與賬目 獲捐款二千萬港元,成立第二個 「李嘉誠講座教授席」 Launching the second Li Ka Shing Professorship with a donation of HK$20 million 自創校以來,香港中文大學迭有進境,多蒙校友及社會各界友好堅實支持所致。仁德高誼,令中大得 以續闖新峰,在本港和亞太區出類拔萃。各善長的慷慨捐獻,大學同人銘記於心。 中大於二零零八年六月舉辦「校友關懷捐貲計劃—Phone中關懷」活動(右圖),邀請三十位中大學 生致電近三千位七十至八十年代畢業的校友,介紹大學近況,同時募捐。十八天的活動共籌得四百 餘萬港元。 Since its founding, CUHK owes much of its advancement to the staunch support of alumni, friends and the community at large. Their benevolence has enabled the University to scale further heights of excellence in Hong Kong and the region. The University is grateful to all benefactors for their generous support. CUHK organized the Caring Alumni Donation Scheme — Phone Campaign (right photo) in June 2008. Thirty CUHK students made phone calls to some 3,000 alumni who graduated in the 70s and 80s to introduce the latest developments of the University and encourage them to support their alma mater. The 18-day campaign raised over HK$4 million. 獲捐款一億五千萬港元 成立和聲書院 Lee Woo Sing College established with a donation of HK$150 million 香港糖尿病及肥胖症研究所獲捐贈二千八百萬港元, 成立丘中傑糖尿病檢測中心及廖韻玉糖尿病研究紀念基金 The Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity set up the Yao Chung Kit Diabetes Assessment Centre and the Lioa Wun Yuk Diabetes Memorial Research Fund with a donation of HK$28 million
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