Annual Report 2007–08
70 Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 Library Services In 2007–08, the University Library System introduced various new services and resources to support all academic disciplines of the University, in study and teaching, research and development. Growth of Electronic Collections During the year, there was a 788% increase in e-books, a 28% increase in e-journal subscriptions, a 4% growth in printed books, a 2% increase in bound periodicals and a drop of 2% in printed serial subscriptions. The Library intends to continuously increase the proportion of electronic copies against print versions. Access to Global Collections A number of new services were implemented to extend the access from CUHK to other libraries, both local and overseas. During the year, the request for books from other University Grants Committee- funded libraries via the Hong Kong Academic Library Link service increased by 78%. The interlibrary loan privileges of users were extended. The Library joined the RAPID interlibrary loan consortium to obtain journal articles from over 100 notable libraries. Eligible CUHK members can request free RAPID articles through the online interlibrary loan system and their requests will be met within 24 hours. With the introduction of new services, the international interlibrary loan transactions increased by 564% during the year. Donations to Special Collections The Library received generous donations to the Special Collections in the year. More than 530 volumes of Chinese rare books published before the end of the reign of Qianlong were donated by the Bei Shan Tang Foundation. Correspondences of Dr. Lai Chi-hsi, founder of the Hok Hoi Library, were donated by his son Mr. Lai Tim-cheong. Manuscripts of Mr. Poon Siu-poon, a famous poet and scholar, were donated by his son, Mr. Poon Huen-wai. Manuscripts and Chinese calligraphy of Mr. Li King-hong were donated by his son, Prof. Li Seung-ping. 圖書館服務 二零零七至零八年度,大學圖書館系統為 師生引入各種嶄新資源及服務,支援大學 所有學科的教學、研究及發展。 電子館藏的增長 是年度,圖書館訂購的電子書與電子期 刊分別增長百分之七百八十八及百分之 二十八,印刷本圖書增長百分之四,合訂本 期刊為百分之二,而印刷本期刊的訂購則 減少了百分之二。圖書館將繼續提高電子 館藏的比例。 取用全球館藏 圖書館推出多種新服務,使讀者能取用海 外及本地其他圖書館的館藏。過去一年, 透過「香港高校圖書聯網」向大學教育資 助委員會屬下其他院校圖書館借書的要 求,增加了百分之七十八。 讀者的館際互借權利也有所擴充。圖書館 參與了「RAPID館際互借聯盟」,合資格 的中大成員可透過線上館際互借系統,向 逾一百所著名圖書館免費索取電子文獻, 並於二十四小時內獲取。自引進新服務 後,國際館際互借服務的使用量增加了百 分之五百六十四。 重要捐贈 是年度,圖書館的特藏獲得數項慷慨捐 贈:北山堂基金捐贈了超過五百三十冊中 文古籍善本;賴恬昌先生捐贈其父學海書 樓創辦人賴際熙太史之書函;潘萱蔚先生 捐贈其父著名詩人及學者潘小磐先生之手 稿;李尚平教授捐贈其父李景康先生之手 稿及書法。 二零零七至零八年度圖書館讀者及訪客 Library Patrons and Visitors 2007–08 入館人次 Users Entering the Libraries 2,136,068 圖書館讀者 Total User Population 42,241 團體訪客 (278 次導覽團 ) Group Visitors (on 278 Guided Tours) 5,710
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