Annual Report 2007–08
69 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 名列二零零八年香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2008 HKSAR Honours List 紀律部隊卓越獎章 Distinguished Service Medal for Disciplined Services 入境事務處助理處長陳詠梅博士 Dr. Chan Wing-mui Helen, Assistant Director of Immigration 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 前社會福利署助理署長薛棟先生 Mr. Sit Tung, former Assistant Director of Social Welfare of the Social Welfare Department 嶺南大學前副校長饒美蛟教授 Prof. Nyaw Mee-kau, former Vice-President of Lingnan University 紀律部隊榮譽獎章 Meritorious Service Medal for Disciplined Services 警務處警司麥桂成先生 Mr. Mak Kwai-sing, Superintendent of Police, Hong Kong Police Force 榮譽勳章 Medal of Honour 香港殘疾人士奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會田徑(企立組)主教練潘健侶先生 Mr. Poon Kin-lui, Head Coach, Athletics (Standing), Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled 沙頭角中心小學校長呂東明先生 Mr. Lui Tung-ming, Headmaster, Sha Tau Kok Central Primary School 中大社會學系張越華教授 Prof. Cheung Yuet-wah, Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 前社會福利署總社會工作主任鄧黎婉兒女士 Mrs. Tang Lai Yuen-yee Luvisa, former Chief Social Work Officer, Social Welfare Department 行政長官社區 / 公共服務獎狀 Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community/Government/ Public Service 香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標學校校長梁兆棠先生 Mr. Leung Siu-tong, Headmaster, HKFEW Wong Cho Bau School 元朗公立中學校友會鄧兆棠中學校長吳汝欽先生 Mr. Ng Yu-yum, Principal, YLPMSAA Tang Siu Tong Secondary School 旺角街坊會陳慶社會服務中心總幹事孫亮光先生 Mr. Suen Leung-kwong Jovy, Centre Director, The Mong Kok Kai Fong Association Ltd. Chan Hing Social Service Centre 聖公會柴灣聖米迦勒小學校長馮家正先生 Mr. Fung Ka-ching, Principal, SKH Chai Wan St. Michael ’ s Primary School 嘉諾撒聖心學校校長黃若嫻修女 Sister Wong Yeuk-han Cecilia, School Head, Sacred Heart Canossian School 香海正覺蓮社佛教李莊月明護養院院長楊秀芳醫生 Dr. Yeung Shou-fong Annie, Superintendent, Buddhist Li Chong Yuet Ming Nursing Home For The Elderly, Heung Hoi Ching Kok Lin Association 沙田循道衛理中學校長劉賀強先生 Mr. Lau Hor-keung, Principal, Sha Tin Methodist College 新界鄉議局元朗區中學校長蔡創達先生 Mr. Tsoi Chong-tat, Principal, NTHYK Yuen Long District Secondary School
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