Annual Report 2007–08
67 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 校友 連同一九六三年中大創立之前的原成員書 院畢業生人數在內,中大畢業生人次在二 零零八年七月已逾十一萬。中大校友成就 驕人,對社會服務良多,廣受稱道。多位 校友於二零零七至零八年度內獲香港特別 行政區政府委以要職。白韞六先生獲委任 為入境事務處處長,另以下校友亦獲委為 副局長及政治助理: • 環境局副局長潘潔女士 • 財經事務及庫務局副局長梁鳳儀女士 • 民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士 • 運輸及房屋局副局長邱誠武先生 • 食物及衞生局局長政治助理陳智遠 先生 多位校友在二零零八年立法會選舉中當 選為議員,他們是陳茂波先生、張文光先 生、梁家騮醫生、譚偉豪博士、梁美芬教 授及陳克勤先生。此外,多位校友獲選為 全國人大代表,計有曹宏威博士、劉佩瓊 教授、楊耀忠先生、梁秉中教授、林順潮 教授及羅范椒芬女士。香港上海滙豐銀行 有限公司主席鄭海泉先生,在二零零八年 初獲委任為滙豐控股有限公司執行董事, 成為首位晉身董事局的華人執行董事。此 外,湯漢主教則獲教宗委任為香港教區助 理主教。 Alumni As of July 2008, the number of CUHK graduates including those of the founding Colleges before the establishment of the University in 1963 exceeded 110,000. The achievements of our graduates and their services to the community are widely recognized. In 2007–08, a number of alumni assumed prominent positions in the HKSAR government. Mr. Peh Yun-lu Simon was appointed Director of Immigration. Several alumni were also appointed Under Secretaries and Political Assistant. They include: • Under Secretary for the Environment Dr. Poon Kit Kitty • Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Ms. Leung Fung-yee Julia • Under Secretary for Home Affairs Ms. Hui Hiu-fai Florence • Under Secretary for Transport and Housing Mr. Yau Shing-mu • Political Assistant to the Secretary for Food and Health Mr. Chan Chi-yuen Paul Alumni who were elected as members of the Legislative Council in the 2008 election included Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, Mr. Cheung Man-kwong, Dr. Leung Ka-lau, Dr. Tam Wai-ho Samson, Prof. Leung Mei-fun, and Mr. Chan Hak-kan. Alumni who have been elected as deputies to the National People’s Congress included Dr. Tso Wung- wai, Prof. Lau Pui-king, Mr. Yeung Yiu-chung, Prof. Leung Ping-chung, Prof. Lam Shun-chiu Dennis and Mrs. Law Fan Chiu-fun Fanny. Mr. Cheng Hoi-chuen Vincent, Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai 計量財務學課程學生劉緻雅和楊文 隽 ,參加「寰宇暑期實習計 劃」,前赴法國巴黎銀行實習。那兒的員工來自世界每一角落,多 元化的工作環境令為期一個月的工作樂趣無窮。 他們的法語雖然非常有限,但無礙社交。當同事看到他們對着工 作一籌莫展時,縱使百務纏身,也會伸出援手。 兩人工作的單位隸屬股票及衍生工具計量研發小組,負責流動資 金管理和銀行產品研究,他們發覺法國之行既能實踐所學,又能 在投入職場前汲取工作經驗,為日後事業發展舖路。 Participating in the Global Internship Programme, Lau Chi-nga Karen and Yang Wenjuan Lesley, quantative finance students, enjoyed a month-long internship in BNP Paribas where staff members were recruited from virtually all parts of the world. Their limited knowledge of French presented no social barriers. Their busy colleagues never hesitated to offer help whenever they saw Karen and Lesley stuck in work. Placed under the Quantitative Research and Development team of Equities & Derivatives, Karen and Lesley were charged with the responsibility of liquidity management and bank products research. They found their tasks very rewarding and served well as a bridge between their studies and possible careers. 劉緻雅(右)與實習工作的主管 Karen (right) with Mr. Stephane Tyc, her supervisor 法國實習生活 Internship in France
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