Annual Report 2007–08
65 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 冼雍華 牛津大學裘槎獎學金得獎人(二零零八) Sin Yung-wa University of Oxford Croucher Scholarships Winner (2008) 「每次實驗,往往有百分之九十九的失敗, 只有百分之一成功。但就是因為那些微發現, 支持我們鍥而不捨,繼續去追尋及研究。」 中大碩士畢業生冼雍華這樣形容研究生涯。 在二零零五年以一級榮譽畢業的生物系學生 冼雍華,二零零七年取得生物哲學碩士學位。 他獲頒裘槎獎學金,將於二零零八年九月負 笈牛津大學修讀哲學博士學位,深造動物學。 雍華感謝導師之一的林漢明教授對他諄諄善 誘,除了向他解釋如何改良實驗,還會 討論從事研究的出路,指導他外國深造的 途徑。 ‘Failure occurs 99 per cent of the time and success only one per cent in scientific experiments. But it is often the small research findings which lead us to continue seeking the truth.’ Sin Yung-wa, holder of a master's degree of CUHK, has this to say about the life of researchers. Graduating in 2005 with first class honours, Yung-wa received his MPhil in biology in 2007 and will pursue further studies at Oxford for a DPhil degree in zoology starting in September 2008 after being awarded the Croucher Scholarships. Yung-wa thanked Prof. Lam Hon-ming, one of his supervisors, for his tireless guidance. Prof. Lam not only coached him to enhance his research techniques, but also discussed life issues with him, such as the prospect of doing research and the opportunities for overseas studies. 心理學系畢業生吳紹倫獲選為二零零八年度港區羅德學人,是全港首位循中六生優 先錄取計劃入讀大學的尖子取得該項獎學金,亦是過去十屆以來第八位榮獲此殊 榮的中大學生。 回顧中大的生活,紹倫認為這是他「智性發展及個人成長中極為重要的一部分,因 為老師不但教授學術知識,更着重啟發我們思考。」紹倫認為中大獨有的書院制度 和通識教育,給予他多元化發展的機會,「參與書院活動有助提升溝 通和領導能力,學習不同崗位的工作和職責。」 Ng Siu-lun Siron, a psychology graduate, was awarded the Hong Kong Rhodes Scholarship 2008. Besides being the first-ever student admitted to the University via EAS who became a Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar, he was also the eighth CUHK Rhodes Scholar in the past 10 years. Siron said that his university life in CUHK contributed significantly to his intellectual and personal development. ‘I am thankful that many faculty members and staff inspired and nurtured me throughout my studies.’ Siron is a fan of the college system and general education. ‘I developed my interpersonal and leadership competencies; learnt the rights and responsibilities of different roles by participating in hostel activities, college teams and extra- curricular activities.’ 吳紹倫 香港區羅德獎學金得獎人(二零零八) Ng Siu-lun Siron Hong Kong Rhodes Scholarship Winner (2008)
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