Annual Report 2007–08
33 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 法律學院大事掠影 Major Events in the School of Law 1 2 1. 在 Willem C. Vist (East) 比賽勇奪佳績的中大隊伍 The CUHK team shines in the Willem C. Vist (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2. 法律學院首任院長麥高偉教授 Prof. Mike McConville, the first Dean of the Faculty 33 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 法律學院在二零零四年創立,成就斐然,開辦五項教資會資助及自資課程外,並從逾十個司法管轄區 羅致法學精英,充實學術陣容,培養濃厚的研究氣氛。授課地點除了大學本部校園外,還有中環美國 銀行中心。 Since its inception in 2004, it has launched five UGC-funded and self-financed programmes, recruited a sizeable faculty of high distinction from more than ten jurisdictions, created a rich research ethos, and set up its operations at two physical sites on the University main campus and at the Bank of America Tower in Central. • 法律學院於國際仲裁比賽屢獲佳績,在參加Willem C. Vis 國際商業模擬仲裁比賽(維也納)的 五十四個國家二百一十四支隊伍中,中大是唯一晉身淘汰局的香港院校,榮列十七,創下首次參賽院 校的最佳名次;而在Willem C. Vis (East) 國際商業模擬仲裁比賽中,法律學院法律博士班學生黃彥 銓勇奪大中華地區的最佳辯手獎。 The School of Law achieved great success in international mooting competitions. In the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vienna), CUHK was the only local university that made it to the elimination rounds. Ranked at 17 among 214 teams from 54 countries, the School set an outstanding record as a first-time competitor. In the Willem C. Vis (East) Moot, Wong Yin-chuen Spencer, Juris Doctor student at CUHK, was awarded the ‘Best Oralist’ of the Greater China Region. • 法律學院於二零零八年八月一日升格。 The School of Law closed an important phase of its development on 31 July 2008 and advanced to Faculty status from 1 August 2008.
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