Annual Report 2007–08
27 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 工商管理學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration • 工商管理學院於香港和北京舉辦了兩場有關中國企業管治的研討會,讓 學者及業界專家聚首一堂,探討中國企業管治的未來發展方向。研討會 主要討論股權分制改革對中國企業管治的影響,以及全球一體化對中國 企業管治帶來的機遇與挑戰。 The Faculty of Business Administration organized two forums in Hong Kong and Beijing with the aim of providing a sharing platform for academics and business practitioners on the issues of corporate governance of Chinese enterprises. The discussion focused on how the governance of Chinese enterprises would be affected by the split share reform, as well as the challenges and opportunities arising from globalization. • 中大創業研究中心發表一項有關本地創業活動的研究,屬「全球創業觀 察」研究的一部分。「全球創業觀察」是美國巴布森學院和倫敦商學院於 一九九九年創立的國際研究計劃組織,由來自四十二個經濟體系的逾二百 名學者組成,定期調查各國的創業情況。中心的研究指二零零七年香港 的創業活動十分蓬勃,早期創業率遠超多個亞洲城市。 The Centre for Entrepreneurship completed a study on local entrepreneurial activities, which was part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research programme. An international research consortium founded by Babson College and the London Business School in 1999, GEM consists of over 200 scholars from more than 42 economies and measures entrepreneurship worldwide. The study revealed that the level of nascent and new business entrepreneurship of Hong Kong was much higher than that of many Asian cities in 2007. • 工商管理碩士課程全日制學生於二零零八年五月舉辦企業社會責任研討 會,主題為「培育未來的領導者」,旨在與商界青年分享推廣企業社會責 任的價值與裨益,並鼓勵他們在工作環境中履行及堅守社會責任。 The full-time MBA students organized the student-led Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Conference in May 2008. With the theme of ‘Preparing Future Leaders for Tomorrow’, the conference was aimed at encouraging young business people to learn more about the values and benefits of CSR within corporations and communities, as well as advocating business practitioners to engage and champion socially responsible business practices in their organizations. 1 2 3 1. 劉遵義校長(左三)致送紀念品予企業管治研討會講者 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (3rd left), Vice-Chancellor, presenting souvenirs to guest speakers at the forum on corporate governance 2. 「全球創業觀察」香港研究隊伍發表研究結果 Research team of the GEM Hong Kong Report briefed media on the major findings of the study 3. 企業社會責任研討會講者之一國際著名動作影星及 「壹基金」創辦人李連杰先生 Mr. Jet Li, internationally acclaimed action movie star and founder of One Foundation, speaking at the CSR Conference i l
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