Annual Report 2007–08
26 •著名小說家兼資深報人查良鏞(金庸)教授應允出任文學院榮譽教授,授銜儀式於二零零七年十一月十五 日舉行,禮後查教授主講公開講座,題為「中國歷史的大勢」,吸引五百餘人出席,反應熱烈。 Prof. Louis Cha (Jin Yong), famous novelist and journalist, accepted the title of Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Arts. At the inauguration ceremony held on 15 November 2007, he delivered a lecture on ‘The Main Trends in Chinese History’ on campus, attracting an audience of over 500. • 藝術系與多所國際學府及藝術團體建立夥伴關係,包括北京尤倫斯當代藝術中心及上海博物館;另外, 又與美國維吉尼亞大學藝術系簽訂學生交流計劃,並分別於兩所校園展出兩校藝術系師生的作品。 The Department of Fine Arts developed new links with several international partners such as the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing and the Shanghai Museum. It also formalized a student exchange programme with the McIntire Department of Art of the University of Virginia (UVA). Two exchange exhibitions showcasing the artworks of students and teachers of the two universities were held at UVA and CUHK respectively. • 香港道教聯合會、道教文化研究中心與文物館合辦「書齋與道場:道教文物展」,於二零零八年二月二十三 日至五月十一日舉行,展出近百件自漢至清代與道教文化相關的珍貴歷史文物,當中多件珍品為首度在國 外展出。 An exhibition entitled ‘The Studio and the Altar: Daoist Art in China’, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Taoist Association, the Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture, and the Art Museum, was held from 23 February to 11 May 2008. About a hundred precious art objects dating from the Han to the Qing Dynasties were featured at the exhibition while a number of them had never been on display outside China before. 1 1. 劉遵義校長(右)頒贈榮譽教授證書予查良鏞教授 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right) conferring on Prof. Louis Cha the title of Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Arts 2. 藝術家周晉教授於美國維吉尼亞大學示範 Demonstration by Prof. Zhou Jin of Department of Fine Arts, CUHK, at UVA 3. 「書齋與道場:道教文物展」開幕禮 Opening ceremony of ‘The Studio and the Altar: Daoist Art in China’ exhibition 2 文學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Arts 3
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