Annual Report 2007–08
18 Overseas Academic Exchange In 2007–08, some 620 CUHK students participated in term-time bilateral student exchange programmes. Another 2,210 places for overseas short-term study and internship opportunities were available to students. Students had ample opportunities to build global competencies in their fields of specialization, experience the cultures of the world and develop friendship. Meanwhile, CUHK welcomed 1,053 students from outside of Hong Kong during term-time under the University’s bilateral student exchange agreements or at the CUHK International Summer School. The presence of the exchange students created an enriching and culturally diverse student community on campus. 海外學術交流 二零零七至零八年度,約有六百二十名中大 學生參加一學期或一學年的交換生計劃; 中大又提供了二千二百一十個海外短期進 修和實習的機會,讓學生掌握通用技能、 體驗不同文化、與不同國籍人士建立友誼 及夥伴關係。 是年透過交流協議或參加國際暑期課程而 來校交流的海外生有一千零五十三名,他 們在校園住宿和學習,使中大成為一個多 元文化的社區。 交換生與本地生組成足球隊 Exchange students forming a football team with local students 到荷蘭當交換生,讓鄺俊豪有機會接觸來自不同歐 洲國家的學生,也令他對歐洲人的思維和學習模式 大大改觀。俊豪在一年的交流生活裏,經常走出課 室,參加學生團體舉辦的各類課外活動,例如城市導 覽團、「荷蘭之夜」、「阿拉伯之夜」和公開講座等, 享受多姿多采的學習生活。 其中一項較大型的活動是為期五天的「馬斯特里赫 特學生論壇」,設有講座和工作坊,內容涵蓋勞工、 移民、經濟、教育及公義等。俊豪還參觀了比利時布 魯塞爾的歐洲委員會,與來自歐洲各大城市的學生 聚首討論,使他對與全球化等議題有嶄新看法。 「作為新聞與傳播學院學生,這次交流中獲得的知 識、認識的人,將是我日後在這行業發展的資產和優 勢。」談起這年交換生生涯,他仍然十分回味。 The year in the Netherlands allowed Howard to interact with students from different European countries on a day-to-day basis. It opened his eyes to how Europeans think and study. He enjoyed life there and took an active part in the extra-curricular activities organized by student committees, such as city tours, Dutch Night, Arabian Night and public lectures. Howard also valued the opportunity to join the ‘Student Forum Maastricht’, a five-day conference combining lectures and workshops on labour, migration, economics, education, justice, and a visit to the European Commission in Brussels. Meeting students from other European cities encouraged him to think about these issues in the context of a globalized world. ‘As a journalism student, knowing more about the world and meeting people are assets I need in order to gain a professional edge,’ he said. 鄺俊豪 新聞與傳播學院三年級學生,於二零零七至零八年度前往荷蘭馬斯特里赫特大學 學院當交換生一年 Kwong Chun-ho Howard , Year 3, School of Journalism and Communication, went on exchange to the University College Maastricht in the Netherlands in 2007–08 交換生歲月 Dutch Immersion
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