Annual Report 2007–08
17 學 術 發 展 Academic Development had been reviewed since then. The review of taught postgraduate programmes also began in 2007–08. The University will incorporate General Education, minor/ electives and languages courses into the Integrated Framework to further enhance the quality of education. Planning the New Curriculum The main features of the new curriculum will comprise a common Faculty Package for first-year students of each Faculty. Other components of the curriculum will be strengthened, such as General Education, languages and internship or research opportunities. As advocated by the UGC, the Outcomes-based Approaches (OBA) will be integrated into the design of the new 3+3+4 curriculum. Faculties have been asked to work out their own OBA roadmaps which will set out their plans for integration. Double degrees Following the Senate’s approval of the implementation of double degrees in 2006–07, whereby a student is allowed to earn a second Bachelor’s degree after one additional year of study on a self-financed basis, there had been up to 10 double degree programmes/options, including the newly introduced co-terminal double degree programmes. 籌劃新學制 四年制新課程的主要特點,是為各學院一 年級學生開辦共修科目,並加強如通識教 育、語文科目,實習機會或研究經驗等其 他元素。 由教資會倡議的「果效為本學習法」,為 三三四新學制課程設計的原則。各學院將 制訂其「果效為本方法路線圖」,勾劃該 學習法與新學制課程相互結合的計劃。 雙學位課程 / 選擇 教務會已於二零零六至零七年度核准開辦 雙學位課程,學生取得首個學士學位後, 再修讀一年自負盈虧的課程,便可獲取第 二個學士學位。連同新開設的同期結業雙 學位課程,中大現提供多達十項雙學位課 程 / 選擇。 術 A 「耳鼻咽喉—頭頸外科學系」於二 零零七年八月一日正式成立,設於 威爾斯親王醫院。學系將鞏固其耳 鼻咽喉頭頸外科醫療的翹楚地位, 並提升對溝通障礙的臨床研究及培 訓,同時積極發展其人工耳蝸項目。 系主任尹懷信教授表示:「自一九 八五年外科學系耳鼻喉科成立以 來,醫護人員、教授和科研人員戮力 奠下根基,新學系以他們的成就為 基礎,將繼往開來,力求進取。現時 國際及國內均視耳鼻喉為獨立的醫 學專科和學術範疇,新學系的成立, 顯示中大緊隨國際的發展趨勢。」 An independent Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery was formally constituted on 1 August 2007. Headquartered at the Prince of Wales Hospital, the department will strengthen its current leading position in providing medical and surgical treatment of the ear, nose, throat (ENT) and head and neck surgery, as well as clinical research and training in the area of communicative disorders, and extend its thoroughgoing cochlear implant programme. Prof. Charles Andrew van Hasselt, chairman of the department, said, ‘The new arrangements will build on the very significant achievements since 1985 of the dedicated clinicians, teachers and researchers who have served the Division of Otorhinolaryngology within the University’s Department of Surgery. This transition places us firmly in line with the international and mainland China classification of ENT as an independent medical specialty and an established academic discipline.’ 成立新學系───耳鼻咽喉-頭頸外科學系 New Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
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