Annual Report 2009–10
35 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 醫學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Medicine • 公共衞生及基層醫療學院於二零零九年八月 一日成立,取代原有之公共衞生學院及社區及 家庭醫學系。成立典禮於二零零九年十一月 三十日舉行,逾三百名賓客出席。 The School of Public Health and Primary Care was borne out of the School of Public Health and Department of Community and Family Medicine on 1 August 2009. The inauguration ceremony of the School was held on 30 November 2009 with an attendance of over 300 guests. • 解剖學系、生物化學系(醫學)、藥理學系及 生理學系,原為醫學院轄下四個臨床前期學 系,已於二零零九年六月合併成立全港首所 生物醫學學院,並於二零一零年一月八日舉行 成立典禮。學院冀能透過基本科學研究人員 與臨床醫生之間的跨學科研究及協作,倡導 尖端科研。 The inauguration ceremony of the School of Biomedical Sciences took place on 8 January 2010. The first of its kind in Hong Kong, the school was formed under the Faculty of Medicine in June 2009 through the re-organization of four pre-clinical science departments, namely, the Departments of Anatomy, Biochemistry (Medicine), Pharmacology, and Physiology, with the aim of promoting cutting- edge research through interdisciplinary collaboration among basic science investigators and clinicians. • 外科學系泌尿外科組於二零一零年五月 二十五日慶祝利用機械臂切除前列腺腫瘤的 手術成功達一百宗。學院於二零零五年將機 械臂輔助外科手術系統引入香港,應用於泌 尿外科手術。與傳統開放式前列腺癌手術相 比,新系統手術後輸血量較少,住院期亦較 短,有助病人盡早康復及減低術後復發 機會。 The Urology Division of the Department of Surgery celebrated the 100th successful robotic prostatectomy on 25 May 2010. In Hong Kong, the robotic surgery programme in urology started at CUHK in 2005. Robotic surgery entails less blood loss and shorter hospital stays, all of which facilitate early mobilization and reduce postoperative morbidity of patients. 公共衞生及基層醫療學院成立典禮 The inauguration of the School of Public Health and Primary Care 生物醫學學院揭幕儀式 The plague unveiling ceremony of the School of Biomedical Sciences 外科學系泌尿外科組慶祝利用機械臂 切除前列腺腫瘤的手術成功達一百宗 The Urology Division of the Department of Surgery celebrated the 100th successful robotic prostatectomy
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