Annual Report 2009–10
21 學 術 發 展 Academic Development planning for the new curriculum, as well as tracking action plans arising from the first cycle of reviews. The review of taught postgraduate programmes was also in good progress. So far, 26 postgraduate programmes have been reviewed. Planning the New Curriculum The University has completed the initial design of the new 3+3+4 curriculum of all undergraduate programmes. As advocated by the University Grants Committee (UGC), the Outcomes-based Approaches have been integrated into the design of the new curriculum. The new curriculum will comprise a common University Core that includes general education, English language, Chinese language, physical education and information technology. With a view to broadening students’ knowledge across different disciplines, a Faculty Package will be included in the major requirements of all programmes, except the LLB Programme. Also, the University has formulated the minimum requirements for admission under the 3+3+4 academic structure. 籌劃新學制 中大已初步完成三三四新學制的課程設 計,並已採納大學教育資助委員會(教資 會)倡議的「果效為本學習法」。新課程 包括一組涵蓋通識教育、英文、中文、體育 及資訊科技的大學核心科目。此外,為擴 闊學生在不同學科領域的知識,除法學士 課程外,所有課程的主修要求均包括學院 共修科目。同時,大學亦已訂定新學制下 的最低入學要求。 培養公眾健康的守護者 Training Gatekeepers of Public Health 「 以 基因療法來治療罕見疾病無疑很有趣,也廣受傳媒注意,相較起來,呼籲大家關注肥胖、提防上網成癮及 酗酒,就沒有那麼吸引。我們處理的醫學範疇,就是沒有那麼戲劇性發展的部分。」公共衞生及基層醫療 學院院長葛菲雪教授說。 為了更有效發揮那個「沒有那麼戲劇性的發展」的醫學範疇,學院於二零零九至一零年度開辦了全港首個及唯 一的公共衞生學本科生課程──公共衞生理學士課程。課程內容涵蓋 公共衞生道德、公共衞生理論與工具和當今公共衞生議題等,學生更可 按其興趣及職業路向選擇特定的專修範疇。 葛菲雪教授說:「公共衞生關乎人口、預防、提供良好服務,以及在疫症 發生時保護公眾。」從事公共衞生的專業人員致力保障社會安康,影響長 遠,服務範疇廣泛,廣達本地、國家甚至全球,滿足感無可比擬。 U sing genetic therapy to cure some rare disease seems much more interesting, particularly to the media, than promoting awareness of obesity, internet addiction and alcohol. We deal with the less dramatic aspects of medicine,’ said Prof. Sian Griffiths, director of the School of Public Health and Primary Care. To deal with this ‘less dramatic aspects of medicine’, the school launched a new Bachelor of Science in Public Health programme in 2009–10, the first and the only undergraduate programme in Hong Kong of its kind. Its curriculum begins with foundation courses in public health which include health ethics; public health methods and theories; and courses on contemporary health issues. In the later part of the programme, students elect a specialized concentration area based upon their interests and their career objectives. Professor Griffiths said, ‘Public health is about populations, prevention, providing good services, protecting the public at times of epidemics.’ Public health serves a broad spectrum of issues in local, national and international communities. It offers great personal fulfilment as professionals work to protect the public’s health of today and tomorrow. ‘
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