Annual Report 2009–10
20 教與學 質素保證 大學已於二零一零年三月呈交《質素核證 報告》進度報告,不僅回應了質素保證局 (質保局)於二零零八年四月對大學進行 質素核證後的建議,更在落實大學的教與 學行動方案上,起了定期匯報及自我監察 的作用。大學在落實行動方案上進展良 好,並相信可進一步提升教育質素及學生 的學習經驗。 課程檢討 按「課程發展及檢討綜合架構」指引,中 大於二零零五年展開本科課程第一期檢 討,預計於二零一零年年底完成,迄今已 檢討了接近全部主修課程和通識教育課 程。大學亦已着手籌備將於二零一零年第 四季及二零一一年進行的第二期概略式 課程檢討。是次檢討主要針對新學制下的 課程設計及籌劃,並跟進第一期檢討完成 後由各課程提交的行動方案。高級學位修 課式課程的檢討進度亦如理想,至今已檢 討了二十六項研究院課程。 Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance In March 2010, the University submitted a Progress Report in response to the Audit Report released by the Quality Assurance Council subsequent to its audit visit to the University in April 2008. The Progress Report not only responded to the suggestions in the Audit Report , but also formed part of the broader and regular reporting and self-monitoring on the University’s own Teaching and Learning Action Plan. The University has made good progress in the direction set by the Action Plan, and is confident that the educational quality and environment for its students will continue to be enhanced. Programme Review The internal review of undergraduate programmes, the first cycle of which started in 2005 according to the guidelines set by the Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review , is expected to be completed towards the end of 2010. So far, nearly all major programmes as well as the General Education Programme have been reviewed. The University is planning for the second cycle of programme review, in the form of a ‘light review’ to be conducted in the fourth quarter of 2010 and in 2011. The focus of the light review is on design and 體 育運動科學系系主任夏秀禎教授(左),是二零零九年校 長模範教學獎得主之一。自小是籃球隊及田徑隊成員的夏 教授,曾參加多項學界賽事,也曾破學界紀錄。她說運動員出身 的背景對教學有利有弊。「初入行時,我以運動員角度出發,會 認為『我做得到,你也應該做得到』,因此要求很高。後來發現, 每人能力資質不同,不能相比;另一方面,曾當運動員的好處是 有實戰經驗,示範動作更有說服力。」 夏教授對獲獎感到鼓舞。她認為選一份自己喜歡的工作很重 要,這樣才會有熱誠和投入,影響所及,學生也會更加投入。 P rof. Ha Sau-ching Amy (left), chairperson of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, is a recipient of the 2009 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award. She was a basketball and track-and-field athlete and record-breaker when young. She opined that being an athlete-turned-teacher has pros and cons. ‘When I first started teaching, I assumed in typical athlete fashion, that “If I could do it anyone could do it”, so I demanded a lot from my students.’ Eventually she came to realize that physical abilities varies. On the other hand, the athletic experience makes her sound more convincing when she demonstrates sports skills. Professor Ha believes that it is important ‘to choose a career you are interested in’, so that it can keep you zealous and devoted. ‘You can only enlighten your students if you’re not bored yourself.’ 體育教師獲模範教學獎 Athlete-turned-teacher Awarded for Exemplary Teaching
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