Calendar 1973–74
Almanac, 1973-74
11 |
PART I Establishment
23 |
University Ordinance and Statutes
25 |
Officers of the University
54 |
The Council
55 |
Council Committees
59 |
The Senate
61 |
Senate Committees
62 |
Advisory Boards on Academic Matters
65 |
The Graduate Council
67 |
Boards of Faculties
68 |
Boards of Studies
70 |
The Undergraduate Examinations Board
81 |
The Matriculation Board
81 |
External Examiners
82 |
85 |
Professors, Visiting Professors, Readers and Senior Lecturers
86 |
Directors of Institutes and Research Centres
90 |
Boards and Committees
91 |
Administrative Officers
94 |
PART II General Information
101 |
103 |
University Motto, Colours, and Emblem
105 |
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
106 |
Land and Buildings
107 |
110 |
Faculties, Degrees, and Diplomas
110 |
Undergraduate Teaching
111 |
The University Library
112 |
Computer Services Terminal
114 |
114 |
115 |
Financial Aid to Students
115 |
Scholarships and Bursaries
116 |
Student Hostels
124 |
University Health Service
125 |
Appointments Service
126 |
Publications Office
126 |
Liaison with the World of Learning
126 |
Calendar, Handbook and Bulletin
128 |
PART III Foundation Colleges
129 |
Chung Chi College
131 |
New Asia College
146 |
United College
161 |
PART IV Postgraduate Schools, Institutes and University Extensions
181 |
Graduate School
183 |
School of Education
195 |
Department of Extramural Studies
198 |
Institutes and Research Centres
200 |
PART V Core Programmes
213 |
Faculty of Arts
215 |
Faculty of Commerce and Social Science
275 |
Faculty of Science
325 |
PART VI Regulations
371 |
Matriculation Regulations, 1974
373 |
Regulations for the Degree Examination, 1973
376 |
Regulations of the University Library System
383 |
PART VII Graduates
387 |
Graduates <em>Honoris Causa</em>
389 |
Graduates and Diplomates
390 |
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