Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 9 Mar 1965
si deration fo r some tim e. In any case, they m ust be realistic in terms o f the available re sources. (b) T h e in d iv id u a l fa c u lty research may develop in to a group or in te r-d is c ip lin a ry e ffo rt when substantial outside financial suppo rt warrants the establishment o f a research u n it, a centre o r an independent in stitu te . T h is does not ru le ou t the establishment o f a centre w ith o u t outside assistance. (c) Postgraduate tra in in g may begin soon after the establishm ent o f the In s titu te . W hen a research u n it is established, the c h ie f o f the u n it w ill be appointed by the V ice -C ha nce llo r at the recomm endation o f the D ire c to r. W hen a research u n it is established, it may recom mend th ro u g h the D ire c to r to the V ice -C hance llo r to establish an A d viso ry Board w h ich includes m em ber ship outside the U n iv e rs ity . W ith sufficient outside financial support, the In s titu te may, when deemed necessary, engage research as sociates and assistance from outside the U n iv e rs ity on a fu ll-tim e or p a rt-tim e basis. A n In s titu te may conduct fa c u lty discussions and in te r-d is c ip lin a ry sem inars and u n iv e rs ity lectures, and arrange fo r the pu b lica tio n o f jo u rn a ls and monographs. Each in s titu te is unde r the adm in istra tion o f a D ire c to r who is appointed by the U n iv e rs ity C o un cil at the recommendation o f the V ice-Chancellor. A fte r consultation w ith his A d viso ry Comm ittee, the D ire c to r prepares an annual budget o f the In s titu te fo r the consideration o f the Senate. T h e D ire c to r recommends, in the fo rm o f a p rio rity lis t to the V ice -C hance llo r, research grants to various fa cu lty members who have applied fo r research assistance. F in a l decision w ill be made by the V ice-C hancellor, after consultation w ith the Senate C omm ittee on Research, W ith the approval o f the V ice-C hancellor, the D ire c to r may seek outside financial suppo rt fo r certain research projects w h ich in his view should be developed. T h e D ire c to r, after consultation w ith the A d viso ry C omm ittee o f the In s titu te , may recommend to the Chairm an o f the Senate all matters relating to the development o f research and pu blicatio n in his in stitu te , the tim e o f in itia tin g postgraduate tra in in g , and the establishment o f a research u n it in the in stitu te . T h e C hairm an o f the Senate w ill refer these matters to the Senate C omm ittee on Research fo r a decision. O n the Ad v i s o r y Committee A t the recommendation o f the Chairm an o f the Senate, an A d v is o ry Comm ittee w ill be appointed by the Senate fo r each In s titu te to give advice to the D ire c to r on p o licy matters and the annual budget o f the In s titu te . T h e D ire c to r shall be chairm an o f the Comm ittee. T h e m em bership o f the C omm ittee falls in to two categories: (a) T h e D ire cto rs o f U n iv e rs ity Studies in the subject fields tha t come under the p u rview o f the In s titu te . (b) Those fa cu lty members who have shown strong interests and a b ility in the subject field fo r w hich there is no U n iv e rs ity Board o f Studies or D ire c t or o f U n iv e rs ity Studies, b u t w hich the In s titu te w o u ld like to promote. Each member o f the C omm ittee is charged w ith the re sp on sib ility o f keeping in close contact w ith various fa cu lty members in the U n iv e rs ity who have research interests in the subject field he represents, and encouraging them to present th e ir research projects to the D ire c to r. Each member is requested to give assistance to the D ire c to r o f the In s titu te in seeking outside financial sup po rt o f the research projects in his own field o f study and to make recommendations to the D ire c to r on all matters relating to the developm ent o f research and pu b lica tio n in his field, the tim in g o f in itia tin g postgraduate tra in in g and the establishment o f a research u n it. T h e present m em bership o f the A d viso ry Comm ittee fo r the In s titu te o f Social Studies and the H um an ities are: C hairm an — D r, C h oh -m ing L i Econom ics — Professor K .R . Chou Business A dm in is tra tio n — D r. James J .M . Yang Geography — Professor Chen Cheng-siang M o d e rn Chinese Social Studies — M r . Lee D in -y i C ontem porary Chinese Social Studies — D r. George W ong Sociology & Social W o rk — Professor Pauline V . Y oung W o rld H is to ry — Professor Noah E. Fehl M o d e rn Languages — Professor Bertha Hensman Professor Chou F a-K ao T h e present mem bership o f the A d viso ry Comm ittee 2
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