Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 9 Jun 1968

students from the three Colleges s ittin g fo r the entire Exam ination. In ad dition there were 305 firs t year students who entered fo r the language papers only. T h e d is trib u tio n o f the candidates is as follow s :- C h u n g C h i N e w A sia U n ite d W hole E x am in a tio n : 140 146 153 Language papers o n ly : 162 79 64 A t a recent jo in t meeting o f the Senate and the U n d e r­ graduate E xam ination Board, it was decided that a supplem entary exam ination w ould be conducted in the firs t week o f September this year fo r students who have not been successful in some subjects in the main E xam ination held in June. Detailed arrangements concerning the supplementary exam ination w ill be announced soon. EXTERNAL EXAMINERS T h e fo llow in g is a list o f External Exam iners fo r the 1968 Degree E xam inations: Undergraduate Exam inations Accounting & Prof. Chao-hswan Lee, Finance N ational T aiw an U n ive rs ity, Taiwan. B o ta n y D r. Y .C . T in g , Boston College, U .S .A . Business Prof. Y .C . Koo, Management T h e Chinese C u ltu ra l In stitu te , Taiwan. Chemistry Prof. J u i-H s in Wang, Yale U n ive rsity, U .S .A . Chinese Language Prof. T s 'u n -ya n L iu , & L ite ra tu re Austra lia N a tional U n ive rsity, Australia. Economics D r. Shu-chin Yang, Econom ic Developm ent In stitu te , W o rld Bank , W ashington, D .C ., U .S .A . Electronics Prof. A .L . Cullen, U n iv e rs ity College London, U .K . English Language Prof. James J.Y. L iu , & L ite ra tu re Stanford U n ive rsity, U .S .A . Fine A r ts P rof. Yee Chiang, Colum bia U n ive rsity, U .S .A . u , , ‘ Geography Prof. Paul Wheatley, U n iv e rsity College London, U .K . H is to ry Prof. C h 'u ng -hun g L iu , N ational T aiw an U n ive rsity, Taiwan. Journalism D r. H su -pa i Tseng, T h e N ational Chengchi U n iv e r sity, Taiw an. M athemalics Prof. S.S. Chern, U n ive rsity o f California, U .S .A . M us ic Prof. A J .B . H u tch in g , D u rh am U n ive rsity, U .K . Philosophy Prof. T hom e H . Fang, N a tional T aiw an U n ive rsity, Taiwan. Physics Prof. H .Y . Fan, Purdue U n ive rsity, U .S .A . Religions Knowledge D r. C .H . Hwang, T h e Theological Education Fund, London , U .K . Social W o rk M iss B etty W ong, Social W elfare Department, H o ng Kong. Sociology Prof. Shun-sheng L in g , In s titu te o f Ethnology, Academ ia Sinica, Taiwan. Zoology D r. H a rry Wang, Lo yo la U n iv e rsity M edical School, U .S .A . Postgraduate Exam inations Business A dm in is tra tio n P rof. Wayne S. Boutell, U n iv e rs ity o f California, U .S .A . Chinese H is to ry P rof, James T .C . L iu , Princeton U n iv e rs ity , U .S .A . Chinese Linguistics M r. T s u n g -i Jao, U n iv e rs ity o f H ong Kong, H ong Kong. Chinese L ite ra tu re Prof. T s 'u n -ya n L iu , A u stra lia N a tion a l U n ive rsity, Australia. 2