Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 1 Sep 1969
The work on academic planning has recently been taken up by the newly established Academic Planning Committee, the composition, functions and duties o f whichwere reported in detail in the July- August issue o f th e Bulletin, With th e Vice- Chancellor in the chair and three College Presidents and six elected Faculty Deans and representatives, this Committee devotes its entire attention to policies, ideas and suggestions on academic programmes, and reports t o the Senate through the Vice-Chancellor. Since the central office was removed to the new campus site at Shatin in March, 1969, the University has acquired a home-base, i n the physical sense. Two important decisions relating to the administrative structure o f theUniversity were made t o meet urgent needs. First, a University Bursar's Office was created, a s reported i n the July-August issue of the Bulletin. Mrs. E.J. Fehl, the Deputy Registrar then, was appointed to the post of University Bursar responsible fo r finance and business affairs. Planning The Chinese University Campus was a monumental task. No w that the master development plan has been adopted and new building projects are being carried out according to schedule, a central body i s essential t o oversee, adjust and co-ordinate all the activities. Mr. Duval S. Adams was appointed Special Assistant t o th e Vice- Chancellor, acting a the same time a s Building Expenditure Comptroller. He assumed duty on 1st September, 1969, heading up the Physical Development Division that encompasses th e University Buildings Office. The task of ensuring the building of the new campus in the next few years according to schedule and budget will fall o n th e newly organized Physical Developmen t Division. In addition t o the Colleges, which are responsible for undergraduate teaching, the most important programme of the University is known as the Central Activities which serve the entire University. According to the Statutes, the terms o f reference o f the Central Activities are as follows:— (a) th e administrative headquarters o f th e University; ( b) the University Library and laboratories; (c) programmes of advanced studies o r research leading t o certificates,diplomas, or higher degrees o f the University; (d) such other buildings, institutes and organized activities as shall be determined by the Council. Besides central administration, the Central Activities now include:— Institutes and Centres Graduate School School o f Education University Library Science Centre Extramural Studies Inter-University Relations Health Service Publications Appointments Service The Research Institutes and Centres and the Graduate School draw thei r personnel almost entirely from th e teaching staff o f th e three constituen Colleges. Two organization charts (see attached charts) have now been prepared fo r the first time, one showing Policy-Making and Planning Bodies and the other the Administrative Structure. They represent the result o f evolution over the past six years, and stand as an innovation i n university administration and management. Seve n Ne w Professors The University i spleased t o announce th e appointment o f seven new professors, university- wide, t o teachan d conduct research projects beginning from the 1969/1970 academic year. Prof. Charles Laurel Allen, Visiting Professor of Journalism and Director of Mass Communications Centre Prof. C.L. Allen graduated from th e Univer of North Dakota with a B.A. degree i n 1924 and obtained his M. A. from the University of Illinois i n 1927. He continued his study after the War a t Northwestern University and received his Ph.D. i l l 1947. Since 1925, Prof. C.L. Allen has been engaged in teaching Journalism i n various universities. H e served as Professor o f Journalism a t the University of Illinois, Director of the Department of Journalism at Rutgers University, Assistant Dean and Director of Research a t Northwestern University. From 1960 t o 1967, he was Professor and Director o f the School of Journalism a t Oklahoma State University. Before he came t o this University in August 1969, he had been engaged as Director of Graduate Studies i n Journalism a t Texa Technological College. — 2 —
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