Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 5 Jan 1971
important project is to produce a Chinese-English dictionary of modern usage. Dr. Lin Yutang, Research Professor of the University, is directing this pioneering task. The dictionary is expected to be published in 1972. It will be the first dictionary, in Chinese or English, to determine what are the words, not ideographs, of current Chinese language. Other research projects i n progress include: 1 ) Studies on Cantonese as Spoken in Hong Kong (by Prof. Chou Fa-Kao) 2) Collection of Materials for the Study of Overseas Chinese (by Dr . Chen Ching-ho) 3) A Grammar of the Mencius (by Mr. Cheung Yat-shing) The newly completed Institute of Chinese Studies 4) The Trade between China and Spanish America from the Lat e Ming to the Mid- Ch'ing Period (by Mr. Chuan Han-sheng) 5) A Study on the Grain-Salt Exchange System in Ming (1368-1644 ) China (by Mr. Lee Lung-wah) 6) A Study on the Network of Communications in Tang Dynasty (by Mr. Yen Keng-wang) 7) Administrative Developments in Contemporary China and Southeast Asia (by Prof. Hsueh Shou-sheng) 8) A Critical Study of Yu Shing-Wu's Shang- Chou Chin-Wu Lu-Yi ( by M r . Lee Y i m ) The Chinese style courtyard of the Institute of Chinese Studies Open House The Institute will hold a ten-day "Open House" this autumn, at which a collection of works of Ch'ing Dynasty, including paintings, calligraphy, bronze seals, porcelain, oracle bones, inkstones and rare books, will be displayed. At present, a committee has been formed to prepare the programmes for the occasion. The committee members are: Chairman: M r . J.S. Lee Members: Mr. Chen Shih-wen Mr. Paul Y.Y. La m Mr. Lee Yim Mr. Stephen C. Soong Mr. Wang Chi The main object of the "Open Hou s e " is to acquaint the community with the important role the Institute of Chinese Studies plays within the University. E i g h t h Gene r al Con f e r ence a nd Sem i nar o f A S A I H L Eighth General Conference The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning ( ASA I HL ) held its Eighth General Conference on 15t h and 17th December, 1970 at this University . Delegates of 27 member institutions of the ASA I HL met on 17th December to elect officers for the next two years. Dr. Rayson — 2 —
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