Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 5 Jan–Feb 1969
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has always had the students at heart. Even after our students have taken up employment, we often think of them as to whether they have done their best and whether they have made any contribution to the community. For their success is not only the University's pride, but also an indication of brighter prospects for the community. A l l of you here today must have the feeling that in this respect The Chinese University of Hong Kong is most active and is taking the initiative . But I need not dwell upon this because I feel it is our duty to do so. You must have also seen that the organizers of this meeting have devoted much time and effort to its arrangement. This is also done in the spirit and tradition of this University. I have reason to believe that students attending this meeting will derive much benefit from it. For, besides gaining some practical experience, they will be well prepared psychologically and mentally for accepting any challenge and meeting all difficulties which may confront them in their choice of profession and taking up employment. I wish to point out to all students that in attending this meeting you will take a lesson of life—a lesson that will help you to understand how to live and to work. Your success in your career depends upon your prior preparation and your self- examination afterwards. To make prior preparation is simply to "know you r se l f. Before taking up employment , you should thoroughly analyse and understand the nature of the work, your own capabilities and the relationship between the work and yourself, and make careful plans accordingly. After taking up employment, you should find out "what others will want of you" . That is, you should know your own goo d qualities and short- comings and whether there is any need for acquiring further skills to cope with future advancement, etc. To all guests at this meeting, I must tender my sincere thanks, as your presence shows your concern about this University. With all your contributions to the community, your presence will bring to our students courage and confidence. And these will make them believe that by means of continuous efforts their ideals will come true one day. Group Discussion, Demonstration, and Lecture Following the address, group participation in "Communication by Speech" and "Communication by Writing" in sections took place. A pantomime in two acts in "Etiquette and Deportment" was produced and presented, followed by a question and answer period. The second day began with a lecture, "Office Organization and Management", which was again followed with discussions and role-playing in "Application Procedure" and "Employment Interview" held in groups, "Meet the E m p l o y e r s" A unique and significant phase of the Workshop was the "Meet the Employers Session", which took place after the discussions of the second day. Thirty-six community leaders representing a cross- section of Government, Trade, Industry , Social Work and Public Services kindly came and participated. They met the students in groups and discussed with them aspects of employers' experience with university students, students' attitude and aspirations, in-service training and executive development and finally occupational trends in Hong Kong. During the session, the students, the academic and administrative staff of the University and the community leaders worked closely together for th e better preparation of the students to work for the future of Hong Kong. P r e - E m p l o y m e n t Programme The Workshop represented the first of its kind to be held on such an organized scale. 60 members of the academic and administrative staff of the University were mobilized, and a studen t committee of 15 cooperated on the various functions, while 196 students enrolled for the Workshop. The Workshop is but part of the Pre-Employment Programme, 1969, and is a seque l to the four Pre-Employment Lectures which have been taking place since December 1968. A thorough follow-up will continue after the Worksho p in order to make the Pre-Employment Programme effective. — 2 —
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