Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 4 Nov 1971
Li, senior government officials, community leaders, the graduates and staff members of the University. Dr. Li spoke and proposed a toast to the honorary graduates and the new graduates. It was responded to by two representatives of the new graduates, Miss Lee Chi-Tuen and Mr. Hung Hin-Wai. Mr. Wong Shiu-Hung was master of ceremony for the occasion. Address of H. E. the Chancellor Sir David Trench May I first express our congratulations to our Honorary Graduands to-day, an d say how sincerely we welcome them into the fold of this University. We are honoured also to be able to count them amongst our number. May I also congratulate all our students who have received their degrees to-day. I wish you all well in the careers you have chosen, and every success in them. My purpose in speaking to-day, however, is to say farewell to the University. It has been a great privilege to be your Chancellor at such an exciting and interesting period of the University's development. Forming and establishing a new University is a more difficult, costly and complex matter than might at first appear, as many have learned from experience. It has not been an easy task here either, but comparatively speaking, the task has proceeded in a most orderly, systematic and expeditious way until we now have a University of which we can be proud, well on the way to being drawn together on its permanent site - a site, indeed, in surroundings which very few other universities in the world could match for scenic value. That the University is now as well established as it is, is due first to the dedicated work of the Council, the College Presidents and the University authorities and staff generally, as well as to the friendly and fruitful way in which Government and the University, with the help of the University Grants Committee, have co-operated in this giant task. But we all know that a lion's share of the credit must go to our first Vice-Chancellor. He has been the central figure throughout, an d that the University is now as well advanced as it is in its development is to a very large degree due to his dedication to the task he assumed. It therefore gives me the very greatest pleasure to be able to announce to-day that he has agreed to extend his period of office by a further 5 years, until 1977. At this still critical stage of the University's life, to have him still with us will be of the utmost value to the University, and 1 would like t o thank him very sincerely for agreeing to serve on. And now, in saying goodbye to the University, my best wishes for the future go to you all. I look forward with confidence to learning of the University's progress in the future, in which I wish you every success. Dr. Choh-Ming Li's Address A congregation banquet is an occasion for enjoying good food, wine and company, and not for listening to speeches. Like all other congregation banquets, it is a happy gathering where our graduates are celebrating the achievements of their four years’ hard work and also an occasion for them to get together with their teachers and university administrators to share reminiscences of their academic life as well as their happy dreams for the future. On this note, I would like, on behalf of the University, to extend to all our graduates sincerest congratulations and to wis h you all that your happy dreams — both in love and career - will come true. Our two honorary graduates of the year, Dr. Ho Sin-Hang and Dr. C.H. Philips, are also with us tonight. These distinguished gentlemen have honoured our young University by accepting our honorary doctorates. We are proud to have them as our graduates of 1971.I am sure all of you wil l join me in extending to them our best wishes. Tonight we are also saying farewell to one of our earlier honorary graduates, who is also our Chancellor and Governor. As you all know, Sir David Trench is leaving Hong Kong. Like all of you present here , I cannot help feeling somewhat distressed at his departure from Hong Kong. 別話好友及生員校本向中會宴業畢在士爵趾麟戴督監學大 His Excellency the Chancellor bidding farewell at the Graduation Dinner - 2 -
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