Bulletin Autumn 1978
CHINESE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Au t umn 1978 Contents Interview with Dr. Choh-Ming Li 1 Farewell, Dr. and Mrs. Choh-Ming LI 5 Tribute to Mr. Energy 5 Good-bye, Dear Gardener 7 15 Years with Dr. Choh-Ming Li 9 Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for Choh-Ming Li Building 10 Regional Seminar on Recent Developments in Medical Education 12 Exhibition and Symposium — Trade Pottery in East and Southeast Asia 1 7 Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for Fong Shu Chuen Building 20 Personalia 21 Student Enrolment 1978-79 24 Federation of Alumni Association of CUHK 25 Cover: Choh-Ming Li Building Chinese University Bulletin is an official publication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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