Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 1991 The Chinese University Bulletin is an official publication o f The Chinese University o f Hong Kong published by the University Secretariat for distribution to members and friends o f the University. Contents 1 The Forty-second Congregation for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 13 The Forty-third Congregation for the Conferment of First Degrees 14 Leung Kau Kui Building Formally Opened 16 An Open Letter from the Vice-Chancellor on Global Linkages 18 1991 Freshmen in Profile 22 Profiles 25 News in Brief 32 Gifts and Donations Cover: Snapshots of the 42nd and 43rd congregations Advisory Committee on Chinese University Bulletin Dr. Joseph M. Chan Dr. W.M. Chan Mr. John Dent-Young Mr. Jacob Leung Dr. L.M . Ng Prof. S.W. Tam E d ito ria l S ta ff Editor : Miss Amy K.Y. Leung Assistant Editors : Mrs. K. Lee Wan; Miss Florence Chan Production : Mrs. Alice Ma; Miss Stella P.C. Lai Address a ll Correspondence to the Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong
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