Bulletin No. 2, 2020

Coming Closer at a Distance: Snapshots of CUHK in the pandemic 2
Fetching the Flowing Moon: Teaching and learning in a virtual scene 4
Resonances across the Distance 4
Lessons in Stoicism 6
Till We Meet Again 8
When Lips Fail, Hearts Set In 10
Leaving a Trace and an Aftertaste: Navigators of the New Normal 14
For Whom the Phone Chimes 14
Despite Ebbs and Flows, the Moon Remains 18
The Hues of Humanism: Virtual Information Day 22
Flow, River, Flow: I·CARE's springs of life 26
The Rocks and the Falls: Alumni Homecoming and <em>The CU Heart and CU Mind</em> 32
When the World Zeroes In 36
Pandemic Proverbials 38
Appointments 46