Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 3 Dec 1972

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y OF H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VOLUME NINE DECEMBER 1972 NUMBER THREE CON T E N TS Journal of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1 Publication of Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modem Usage . . . . 2 Fellowship of RSA for Dr. Choh-Ming Li &D r . C.T.Yung 3 Profiles of New Professors 3 2nd Commonwealth Conference o f Registrars 4 Personalia 4 Members of the Boards of Studies 1972-73 6 Vice-Chancellor Opens HKFS' 1st Art Festival 10 Comings & Goings 10 College News l0 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG To provide an outlet for high-quality academic writings and to commemorate its tenth anniversary, the University has decided on the annual publication of a Journal of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Editorial Committee of the Journal consists of: Vice-Chancellor (Chairman) Three College Presidents Deans of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Commerc e & Social Science Chairmen/Administrative Chairmen of the Boards of Studies Directors o f research institutes Directors of research units Director, Publications Office (Secretary) Professors Readers Mr. Stephen C. Soong Mr. J. Gannon Dr. Chen Te Dr. Ambrose Kin g And to facilitate editorial work, an Executive Committee has been set up with the followin g as its members: Mr. Wang Teh-Chao, Dean, Faculty of Arts (Convenor) Dr. Hson-Mou Chang, Dean, Faculty of Science Dr. Sutu Hsin, Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Social Science Mr. T.C. Lai, Director, Publications Office Mr, Stephen C. Soong, Special Assistant to Vice - Chancellor Mr. J. Gannon, Lecturer of English Language & Literature, United College Dr. Chen Te, Lecturer of Philosophy, Chung Chi College Dr. Ambrose King, Lecturer of Sociology , New Asia College The main objective of the Journal of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is to contribute to learning by publishing scholarly articles which contain elements of originality, research reports and book reviews b y University staff and, by invitation, external contributors. The inaugural issue of the Journal is now in preparation and will be published in June 1973, and will include 13 articles, 1 topical lecture and 6 book reviews. A ll but three of the following articles are contributed by staff of this University: Ho Ping-ti (James Westfall Thompson Professor of History, University of Chicago): A Critical Study o f the Early Chou Chronology