Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 9 Apr 1972
T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L UM E E I GHT A P R IL 1972 NUMB ER N I NE CONTENTS Development and Facilities o f Athletic Programme 1 Academic Programme of Government and Public Administration 3 Exhibition and Seminar on The Dream of the Red Chamber . . . . 5 New Office-Bearers for the University Student Union 6 Personalia 6 Staff Profiles 6 Comings and Goings 7 College News 7 DEVELOPMENT AND FACILITIES OF ATHLETIC PROGRAMME In addition to the development of the academic programme, the University is placing more and more emphasis on the field of physical education in order to bring about full mental, physical and moral development of the student through the medium of physical activities and fair competition. Although limited by inadequate sports facilities at two of the Foundation Colleges, students have always been encouraged in every way possible to participate in various athletic activities. Now with the completion of the United College campus at Shatin and the launching of various building projects of sports facilities, a much broader and more active intramural athletic programme can be initiated and students will be given the fullest opportunity to engage in physical exercise. Swimming Pool under construction 程 工 築建之池冰游
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