Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 4 Nov 1971

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y 〇 F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VOLUME EIGHT NOVEMBER 1971 NUMBER FOUR CONTENTS p age Twelfth Congregation 1 Dedication o f Conference Hall and Unveiling of Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan's Portrait 3 New Council Chairman . . . . . . 5 20th Anniversary of Chung Chi College 5 Prof. Simon Kuznets Wins Nobe l Prize 7 Conferences of Southeast Asian Social Science Association 7 Three Students Awarded World Campu s Afloat Scholarships 8 Vice-Chancellor's Reception for New Students 8 Personalia 8 Staff Profiles 9 Comings and Goings 9 College News 10 Obituary 11 Tw e l f t h Cong r ega t i on The Twelfth Congregation of th e University for the conferment of Honorary Degrees and other degrees was held on 5th October in the Concert Hall of the City Hall. His Excellency the Governor and Chancellor of the University, Sir David Trench, presided at the ceremony. Two eminent persons were conferred Honorary Degrees by Sir David. Mr . Sin-Hang Ho, Chairman of Hang Seng Bank, received the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa, and Dr. Cyril Henry Philips, Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. After the conferment of the Honorary Degrees, Dr. Sin-Hang Ho addressed the congregation on behalf of the honorary graduates. (Dr. Ho's speech and the citation s are published in a Special Supplement of The University Bulletin.) 463 graduates received their Bachelor's degree, including 146 Bachelors of Arts , 122 Bachelors of Science, 68 Bachelors of Business Administration and 127 Bachelors of Social Science. Another group of 25 graduates were awarded Master's degree : 16 Masters of Arts, 1 Master of Science and 8 Masters of Business Administration. Sir David addressed th e Congregation after the conferment of all degrees. A graduation dinner was held the same evening. It was attended by Sir David, Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming 禮典位學授頒持主士爵趾麟戴督監學大 His Excellency the Chancellor "capping" a graduand