Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 7 Mar 1971
T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E S E V EN M A R CH 1971 N U M B ER S E V EN C O N T E N TS Chinese-English D i c t i o n a ry . . 1 S t a ff De v e l o pme nt P r o g r amme — A Close-Up 3 7 0 t h An n i v e r s a ry o f Yale-in-China As s o c i a t i on 5 G i f t s t o t he Un i v e r s i ty 5 Personalia 5 S t a ff Profiles 6 Com i n gs and Go i ngs 7 College News 7 Chinese-English D i c t i o n a ry Committee of Three In October 1970, when the manuscript of the Chinese-English Dictionary was about to be completed, the Vice-Chancellor appointed a special Committee of Three to assist him in handling matters relating to the printing, distribution and financing of the Dictionary. The members are: Mr. J.S. Lee (Chairman) The Hon. Q.W. Lee Dr. Francis K. Pan Dr. Lin Yutang with the manuscript of the Dictionary Delivery of Manuscript After four years of painstaking work, Dr. Lin Yutang has completed the manuscript of his Chinese- English Dictionary of Modem Usage, consisting of some 85,000 entries. The entire manuscript, weighing over 80 kilos net, was delivered to the University on 20th January, 1971. Aside from an Introduction, the author has written a chapter on "How to use the Dictionary". The Vice-Chancellor will write the Foreword and Acknowledgements. Authorship Dr. Lin Yutang is well known for his writings in English and Chinese. He has written over thirty books 1
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