Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 3 Nov 1968

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VO LU M E F IV E • NOVEMBER 1968 • NUMBER THREE CONTENTS Page Donations to the U n iv e rs ity ............................1 Workshop on Higher Education . . . . 2 Inaugural Conference o f Chinese Language Press In s titu te ............................2 School of Education Conference . . . . 3 Members of the Senate.............................. ...... 3 Vice-Chancellor's Receptions fo r New S tu d e n ts ....................................................... 3 Staff P r o file ...................................................... 4 Comings and G o i n g s .............................. .......4 College News ....................................... ....... 5 DONATIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY Dr. Choh-M ing L i, the Vice-Chancellor, on 28th October, 1968 accepted from H.E. Archbishop L. Accogli, Apostolic Pro-Nuncio (Ambassador), a gift of books from the Holy See to the University, at a brief presentation ceremony held in Vice- Chancellor L i's office. These include some 150 titles of Catholic reference books, including encyclopaedia and biblical dictionaries, and also works of academic value. The Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. has donated HK$28,000 fo r a Certificate Course in General Banking Adm inistration organized by the Extramural Studies Department of the University in association w ith the bank. Island Navigation Corporation, Ltd. has donated HK$20,000 towards the Chinese/English D ictionary project directed by Prof. L in Yutang. 敎 主 大 儀 可 艾 使 大 華 駐 皇 敎 馬 羅 長 校 敏 卓 李 予 書 圖 贈 致 臨 親 H . E . A r c h b i s h o p L . Acc og li , Apo s t o l i c P r o - N u n cio ( Am b a s s a d o r ) , p re s en t in g books f r o m the H o l y See to V i c e - c h a n c e l l o r C h o h -M i n g L i