Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 8 May 1968
T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N IV E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O LU M E FOUR • M A Y 1968 • NUM BER E IG H T CONTENTS Page Degree Courses in Third Languages . . 1 Appointments Service fo r Graduates . . 1 Invitation to Join E R O P A ........................... 2 Summer Jobs fo r L IB A Students . . 2 University Public L e c tu re s ........................... 2 Comings and G o in g s .............................. ...... 3 College News ....................................... ...... 3 DEGREE COURSES IN THIRD LANGUAGES The University announced that on 30th A p ril, its Senate approved a proposal to introduce French, German, and Japanese as minor degree courses and to set up an interdisciplinary machinery to promote studies in these fields. This decision is the culmination of three years of close cultural co-operation w ith the governments of France, Germany, and Japan— through the good offices of their respective Consul Generals in Hong Kong. The University has received assistance in the form of the services of one lecturer in French, two in German, and a team of three from Japan, besides a number of scholarships fo r graduates. The French Government has recently promised to support a second lecturer. In order to effect even further co-operation between the French cultural authorities and the University, an invitation has been extended to the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-M ing L i, to visit academic institutions in France in May. A similar invitation has also been extended to him to visit Germany. Dr. L i accepted both, and left Hong Kong for the two countries on 5th May. Before returning to Hong Kong on 22nd June, D r. L i w ill proceed to the United States on University business. APPOINTMENTS SERVICE FOR GRADUATES The University announced the establishment of an Appointments Service, effective from 1st May, 1968. A n Appointments Board was formed with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Dr. T.C. Ou, as Chairman, and the Registrar, two representatives each from Chung Chi, New Asia and United Colleges and the Director o f the Appointments Service as members. The Board shall recommend to the Vice-Chancellor broad policies concerning the operation of the Appointments Service and measures of co-ordination fo r appointments offices w ithin the University. A programme is being developed to bridge the gap between the graduates and the community— a threefold service in the interest of the students, the employers and the community. Early in July, 1967, Vice-Chancellor C M . L i appointed an ad hoc Committee to do the planning work fo r an Appointments Board and Service for the University. The Committee, w ith M r. Brian K .K . Yu, the then Personnel Manager of Shell Company of Hong Kong Ltd., as Chairman, did much in the establishment of this new Appointments Board and Service. On service to students, the Appointments Office, with Dr. Francis K. Pan as Director, w ill assist in initiating and developing job opportunities, furnishing
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