Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 8 Feb 1965

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E O N E • F E B R U A R Y 1 9 6 5 • N U M B E R E I G H T C O N T E N T S Page Senate C om m itte e s ................................................. 1 Registrar on T o u r ................................................. 3 In fo rm a l Exchange o f Id e a s ............................... 3 Changes in Fees S tru ctu re ............................... 3 F irs t E x tra -M u ra l Course ............................... 4 V is itin g Professor in Education ...................... 4 Com ings and Goings ........................................ 5 SENATE COMM ITTEES In the February 9, 1965 meeting o f the Senate, it was resolved tha t seven comm ittees be form ed in addi tio n to the th irtee n Boards o f Studies, the M a tric u la ­ tio n Board, the D egree/D iplom a E xam ination Board, the P rovisional Board o f E x tra -M u ra l Studies, and the P rovisional U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry Comm ittee. T h e seven Comm ittees are: Comm ittee on U n iv e rs ity Budget and Establishment Comm ittee on Research Policy and Postgraduate Studies Comm ittee on U n iv e rs ity Scholarships E d ito ria l Comm ittee on Academ ic Publications Comm ittee on D iscip lin e E lection Comm ittee Comm ittee on U n iv e rs ity Laboratories T h e fu n ction and com position o f these comm ittees are to be as follow s :- 1. Committee on University Budget and Establishment " T o consider estimates o f the expenditure pre pared in respect o f the Central academic activities and the establishment the re o f." Chai rman: V ice-Chancellor Members: T h e College Presidents One member from each Foundation College to be elected by the Senate from its own members. 2. Committee on Research Policy and Postgraduate Studies ‘ " T o advise on po licy matters relating to the prom o tio n o f research by members o f the U n i­ versity, and matters relating to postgraduate tra in in g ." Chai rman: V ice-Chancellor Members: College Presidents and D irectors o f U n iv e rs ity In stitu te s, one repre­ sentative from the School o f Education, two Professors o r Read­ ers or D ire cto rs o f U n iv e rs ity Studies from each facu lty to be elected by the Senate, and one to be appointed by the V ice-Chancel lo r from the Senate members. 3. Committee on University Scholarships ‘‘T o fix , subject to any conditions made by the donors and accepted by the Council, the times, the mode and the conditions o f com petition for U n iv e rs ity scholarships, bursaries, and prizes, and loan funds and to award the same." Chai rman: P ro-V ice-C hancellor Members: T w o from each College to be elected by the Senate from its own members. 4. Edi tori al Committee on Academic Publications ‘‘T o determ ine whether the academic publications o r m anuscripts by members o f the faculties, post-graduates or any others be accepted as U n iv e rs ity publications.” Chai rman: V ice-Chancellor