
Mr. Teddy LIU
Honorary Institute Associate, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK
People Development Management Committee, Hong Kong Management Association
Mr. Teddy LIU is currently the member of People Development Management Committee, Hong Kong Management Association. He is the Head of the Internal Audit of one of the listed property development groups in Hong Kong, primarily responsible for the Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance functions of the listed group as well as driving the group’s innovation with a focus on customer service quality assurance, and at the same time, providing advisory services which underpin the formulation of corporate strategy, and enhancements in management system and business processes. Before taking up this role, Mr. Liu had been the General Manager of Corporate & Talent Development of the group, responsible for the talent development and training function of the group. Mr. Liu joined the listed group as a financial controller in one subsidiary company of the group, and had taken up the Risk Management role in its listed subsidiary group. Prior to joining the group, Mr. Liu had worked for one of the big four accounting firms in Hong Kong for five years with major focus on statutory audit, due diligence, merger and acquisition, and tax planning.
Mr. Liu has over 28 years of experience in business management and corporate controllership functions which encompass strategic process improvement, financial management, cost control, investment appraisal, risk management, corporate governance, internal control, business and operational review, corporate reorganization, and merger and acquisition advisory.
Also, Mr. Liu has over 15 years of experience in providing training, talent development and management services. With a passion in driving innovation, he also led a number of innovation focused training and staff engagement activities including the Work-Improvement-Team as well as the Design Thinking programmes for the listed group, focusing on innovations with customer-centricity and customer experience enhancement.
Mr. Liu is a professional accountant and a member of various professional bodies, including the Hong Kong Certified Public Accountant, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant of England, the Institute of Hong Kong Certified Public Accountants, the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada, the Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretary, the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of England, and the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Master of Business Administration degree from The University of Hong Kong.