Assessment - Skin Disorders and Pressure Injuries (Professional) - Website
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1. Which of the following is ๐—ก๐—ข๐—ง the sign of ageing skin? *
10 points
2. Chronic sun exposure can cause the followings ๐—˜๐—ซ๐—–๐—˜๐—ฃ๐—ง: *
10 points
3. Mr. Wong is suffering from eczema with itching skin, which of the following advice(s) is/are correct to relieve itchy skin? *
10 points
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4. ย Tinea infection is very common among older adults. Which of the following statement(s) about tinea infection is/are correct? *
10 points
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5. Which of the following recommendation(s) is/are correct to prevent skin cancer? *
10 points
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6. Which of the following is true about pressure injury? *
10 points
7. Which of the following is correct for reducing friction and shearing forces when repositioning? *
10 points
8. Which of the following is true about the intervention of skin tear? *
10 points
9. Ms K is 80 years old and bedbound. She has a Stage 1 pressure injury over the left heel and is suffering from diabetic mellitus and stroke. She refused to eat in the last 2 months. Her body weight has decreased from 50kg to 45kg with BMI 17.5. Which of the following is ๐—œ๐—ก๐—–๐—ข๐—ฅ๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—–๐—ง for managing Ms Kโ€™s condition? *
10 points
10. Ms K is at risk for pressure injury and malnutrition. Which of the following is the best dietary advice for her? *
10 points
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