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Assessment - Common Mood Issues in Old (Professional)
#You can multiple attempts until you reach 100%
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* Indicates required question
1. What is / are your concern on Mr O’s health condition?
10 points
A) Underlying cancer
B) Age related complaints which can be neglected
C) Depression
D) Other medical diseases
2. How common, do you think, is mood issue among community living older adults (65-75) ?
10 points
A) <5%
B) 5 - <10%
C) 10 - <15%
D) > 15%
3. For depression, older adult have MORE of the following features than young --> Sadness
10 points
4. For depression, older adult have MORE of the following features than young --> Loss of pleasure
10 points
5. For depression, older adult have MORE of the following features than young --> Somatization
10 points
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