安老院舍晚間照顧手冊 Night-time Care Protocol for Residential Care Homes
「人口老化的挑戰:疾病趨勢與社會負擔」研究系列﹕中風 Trends of Disease Burden Consequent to Stroke in Older Persons in Hong Kong:
Implications of Population Ageing (只提供英文版)
香港、紐約、倫敦如何應對人口老化的挑戰 Growing Older in Hong Kong, New York and London (只提供英文版)
「人口老化的挑戰:疾病趨勢與社會負擔」研究系列﹕慢性肺病 Trends of Disease Burden Consequent to Chronic Lung Disease in Older Persons in Hong Kong: Implications of Population Ageing (只提供英文版)
「人口老化的挑戰:疾病趨勢與社會負擔」研究系列﹕腦退化症 Dementia Trends:
Impact of the ageing population and societal implications for Hong Kong (只提供英文版)
「人口老化的挑戰:疾病趨勢與社會負擔」研究系列﹕糖尿病 Trends of Disease Burden Consequent to Diabetes in Older Persons in Hong Kong:
Implications of Population Ageing (只提供英文版)
香港長者的生活質素 How well are seniors in Hong Kong doing? (只提供英文版)
流金頌2007研討會論文集﹕共創長者更好明天 Proceedings of CADENZA Symposium 2007 - Preparing for an Elder Friendly Hong Kong (只提供英文版)