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From right: Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis, chairman, Department of Chemical Pathology; Prof. Allen K.C. Chan, professor, Department of Chemical Pathology; and Prof. Leung Sing-fai, clinical associate professor (honorary), Department of Clinical Oncology; hold a press briefing on the screening study

Screening Study for Early Detection of Nasopharynx Cancer

The Department of Chemical Pathology developed an innovative DNA-based blood test in 1999 for the detection of nasopharynx cancer (NPC) by analysing the cancer-derived DNA in blood plasma. Since 2008, over 1,300 asymptomatic individuals had been recruited for a pilot study, which successfully identified patients with early NPC through the blood test. The accuracy is over 95%.

To further affirm the effectiveness of this DNA-based blood test for early NPC screening, the CUHK research team launched a large-scale NPC blood screening study in July, recruiting 20,000 Chinese male subjects aged 40 to 60 and without NPC symptoms in the next three years to receive the test.

Funded by the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation and supported by other organizations, the study welcomes interested and eligible citizens or groups to join. For details, please click

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