The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Tsinghua University Joint Research Center for Chinese Economy 清華大學-香港中文大學中國經濟聯合研究中心 - 2nd China Star Tour The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Tsinghua University <br/>Joint Research Center for Chinese Economy 清華大學-香港中文大學中國經濟聯合研究中心

Date: 5 - 7 Jun 2021 (Sat - Mon)


CST poster


[ 2nd China Star Tour第二屆經濟學新秀中國行 (5-7 Jun 2021) ]

The China Star Tour invites the most promising young researchers across all fields in economics to present their work to audiences at Chinese Universities.


Date: 5 – 7 Jun 2021 (Sat – Mon)

Time: 9am – 11am (Hong Kong Time, UTC+8)


Day 1 – 5 Jun 2021 (Sat)
Host Universities: Fudan University, ShanghaiTech University

9am – 10am: Race to the Bottom: Competition and Quality in Science
Speaker: Carolyn Stein

10am – 11am: A Macro-Finance Model with Sentiment
Speaker: Peter Maxted


Day 2 – 6 Jun 2021 (Sun)
Host Universities: Hong Kong University, Peking University

9am – 10am: Media, Pulpit, and Populist Persuasion: Evidence from Father Coughlin
Speaker: Tianyi Wang

10am – 11am: Inducing Positive Sorting through Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from Pakistani Schools
Speaker: Christina Brown


Day 3 – 7 Jun 2021 (Mon)
Host Universities: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong at Shenzhen

9am – 10am: Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies
Speaker: Nano Barahona

10am – 11am: Coordination and Commitment in International Climate Action: Evidence from Palm Oil
Speaker: Allan Hsiao


Please join us either as a Webinar participant or through the Livestream links:

Date: 5 - 7 Jun 2021 (Sat - Mon)


CST poster


[ 2nd China Star Tour第二屆經濟學新秀中國行 (5-7 Jun 2021) ]

The China Star Tour invites the most promising young researchers across all fields in economics to present their work to audiences at Chinese Universities.


Date: 5 – 7 Jun 2021 (Sat – Mon)

Time: 9am – 11am (Hong Kong Time, UTC+8)


Day 1 – 5 Jun 2021 (Sat)
Host Universities: Fudan University, ShanghaiTech University

9am – 10am: Race to the Bottom: Competition and Quality in Science
Speaker: Carolyn Stein

10am – 11am: A Macro-Finance Model with Sentiment
Speaker: Peter Maxted


Day 2 – 6 Jun 2021 (Sun)
Host Universities: Hong Kong University, Peking University

9am – 10am: Media, Pulpit, and Populist Persuasion: Evidence from Father Coughlin
Speaker: Tianyi Wang

10am – 11am: Inducing Positive Sorting through Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from Pakistani Schools
Speaker: Christina Brown


Day 3 – 7 Jun 2021 (Mon)
Host Universities: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong at Shenzhen

9am – 10am: Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies
Speaker: Nano Barahona

10am – 11am: Coordination and Commitment in International Climate Action: Evidence from Palm Oil
Speaker: Allan Hsiao


Please join us either as a Webinar participant or through the Livestream links: