This Casebook provides an open-access online resource for doctors, nurses, social workers and allied health professionals who face ethical issues when caring for older adults at the end of life. The cases are selected in consultation with healthcare and social care professionals serving older adults in hospitals, clinics, and the community that present common, yet challenging ethical situations that arise in Hong Kong. An expert commentary for each case provides a perspective on the ethical challenges and a practical clinical approach. Background readings on key topics in end-of-life care of older adults and additional resources are also provided. The Casebook will continue to be updated with additional cases and background readings over time. The Casebook is developed under the Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project (JCECC) in collaboration with the CUHK Centre for Bioethics. The idea for this Casebook stems from the Singapore Bioethics Casebook Project at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, which provides an online resource for healthcare professionals in tackling ethical issues that arise in care settings in Singapore. We developed this Casebook with the same intention to support healthcare providers practicing in Hong Kong with locally contextualized perspectives and insights. While the cases that appear in the Casebook are based on real-life scenarios, all characters’ names and other descriptions and events are modified and no identifying information of any individuals is provided.
Casebook Pamphlets |
(Published in November 2019) |