Systematic reviews

Bai Y, Wong CL, He X, Wang C, So WKW. (2020). Effectiveness of tailored communication intervention in increasing colonoscopy screening rates amongst first-degree relatives of individuals with colorectal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 101, 103397.

Bressington D, Yu C, Wong W, Ng TC, Chien WT. (2018). The effects of group-based Laughter Yoga interventions on mental health in adults: A systematic review. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 25(8), 517-527.

Cao X, Wong EM, Choi KC, Cheng L, Chair SY. (2016). Interventions for cardiovascular patients with Type D personality: A systematic review. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs, 13(4), 314-323.

Chair SY, Chan JYW, Waye MMY, Liu T, Law BMH, Chien WT. (2021). Exploration of potential genetic biomarkers for heart failure: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(11), 5904.

Chair SY, Zou H, Cao X. (2020). Effects of exercise therapy for adults with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Cardiovasc Nurs, 36(1), 56-77. 

Chair SY, Zou H, Cao X. (2020). A systematic review of effects of recorded music listening during exercise on physical activity adherence and health outcomes in patients with coronary heart disease. Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 101447.

Chan CSM, Ip WY. (2016). The effectiveness of nurse-led preoperative assessment clinics for patients receiving elective orthopaedic surgery: A systematic review. J Perianesth Nurs, 31(6), 465-474.

Chan CWH, Au Yeung E, Law BMH. (2019). Effectiveness of physical activity interventions on pregnancy-related outcomes among pregnant women: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(10), 1840-1888.

Chan CWH, Law BMH, Liu YH, Ambrocio ARB, Au N, Jiang M, Chow KM. (2018). The association between maternal stress and childhood eczema: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(3), 395.

Chan CWH, Law BMH, Ng MSN, Wong CCY, Wong CWY, Quinley M, Orgusyan JM, Chow KM, Waye MMY. (2021). Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 enzymes with experience of vasomotor, vaginal and musculoskeletal symptoms among breast cancer patients: A systematic review. BMC Cancer, 21(1), 570.

Chan CWH, Ng NHY, Chan HYL, Wong MMH, Chow KM. (2019). A systematic review of the effects of advance care planning facilitators training programs. BMC Health Serv Res, 19(1), 362. 

Chan CWH, Tai D, Kwong S, Chow KM, Chan DNS, Law BMH. (2020). The effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions on symptom management and quality of life among breast cancer survivors undergoing adjuvant endocrine therapy: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(8). 

Chan CWH, Wong RS, Law PT, Wong CL, Tsui SK, Tang WP, Sit JW. (2016). Environmental factors associated with altered gut microbiota in children with eczema: A systematic review. Int J Mol Sci, 17(7), 1147.

Chan DNS, Law BMH, Au DWH, So WKW, Fan N. (2021). A systematic review of the barriers and facilitators influencing the cancer screening behaviour among people with intellectual disabilities. Cancer Epidemiol, 76, 102084. Advance online publication.

Chan DNS, Lui LY, So WKW. (2010). Effectiveness of exercise programmes on shoulder mobility and lymphoedema after axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer: Systematic review. J Adv Nurs, 66(9), 1902-1914.

Chan DNS, So WKW. (2015). A systematic review of randomised controlled trials examining the effectiveness of breast and cervical cancer screening interventions for ethnic minority women. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 19(5), 536-553.

Chan DNS, So WKW. (2017). A systematic review of the factors influencing ethnic minority women's cervical cancer screening behavior: From intrapersonal to policy level. Cancer Nurs, 40(6), E1-E30.

Chan DNSSo WKW. (2021). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing in enhancing cancer screening uptake amongst average-risk individuals: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 113, 103786.

Chan SW, Thompson DR, Chau JPC, Tam WW, Chiu IW, Lo SHS. (2010). The effects of multisensory therapy on behaviour of adult clients with developmental disabilities--a systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 47(1), 108-122.

Chan S, Thompson DR, Chau JPC, Tam W, Chiu IWS. (2009). Effects of multisensory therapy on behavior of adult clients with developmental disabilities. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 7(9), 309−353.

Chau JPC, Lee DT, Lo SHS. (2010). Eye irrigation for patients with ocular chemical burns: A systematic review. JBI Libr Syst Rev, 8(12), 470-519.

Chau JPC, Lee DT, Lo SHS. (2012). A systematic review of methods of eye irrigation for adults and children with ocular chemical burns. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs, 9(3), 129-138.

Chau JPC, Leung LYL, Liu X, Lo SHS, Choi KC, Zhao J, Chiang HCY. (2021). Effects of Tai Chi on health outcomes among community-dwelling adults with or at risk of metabolic syndrome: A systematic review. Complement Ther Clin Pract, 44, 101445.

Chau JPC, Liu X, Choi KC, Lo SHS, Lam SKY, Chan KM, Zhao J. (2021). Diagnostic accuracy of end-tidal carbon dioxide detection in determining correct placement of nasogastric tube: An updated systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 123, 104071.

Chau JPC, Liu X, Lo SHS, Chien WT, Wan X. (2020). Effects of environmental cleaning bundles on reducing healthcare-associated Clostridioides difficile infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hosp Infect, 106(4), 734-744.

Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Thompson DR, Fernandez R, Griffiths R. (2011). Use of end-tidal carbon dioxide detection to determine correct placement of nasogastric tube: A meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 48(4), 513-521.

Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Yu X, Choi KC, Lau AYL, Wu JCY, Lee VWY, Cheung WHN, Ching JYL, Thompson DR. (2018). Effects of acupuncture on the recovery outcomes of stroke survivors with shoulder pain: A systematic review. Front Neurol, 9, 30.

Cheng HY, Chair SY, Chau JPC. (2012). The effectiveness of caregiver psychosocial interventions on the psychosocial wellbeing, physical health and quality of life of stroke family caregivers and their stroke survivors: A systematic review. JBI Libr Syst Rev, 10(12), 679-797.

Cheng HY, Chair SY, Chau JPC. (2014). The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for stroke family caregivers and stroke survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Patient Educ Couns, 95(1), 30-44.

Cheng L, Sit JW, Choi KC, Chair SY, Li X, He XL. (2017). Effectiveness of interactive self-management interventions in individuals with poorly controlled Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs, 14(1), 65-73.

Cheng YZ, Huang ZZ, Shen ZF, Wu HY, Peng JX, Waye MM, Rao ST, Yang L. (2017). ACE inhibitors and the risk of fractures: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Endocrine, 55(3), 732-740.

Chiang CY, Choi KC, Ho KM, Yu SF. (2018). Effectiveness of nurse-led patient-centered care behavioral risk modification on secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 84, 28-39.


Chien WT, Chong YY, Tse MK, Chien CW, Cheng HY. (2020). Robot-assisted therapy for upper-limb rehabilitation in subacute stroke patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Behav, 10(8), e01742. 


Chong MS, Sit JWH, Karthikesu K, Chair SY. (2021). Effectiveness of technology-assisted cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 124, 104087.

Chow KM, Chan CW, Chan JC. (2012). Effects of psychoeducational interventions on sexual functioning, quality of life and psychological outcomes in patients with gynaecological cancer: A systematic review. JBI Libr Syst Rev, 10(58), 4077-4164.


Fernandez RS, Chau JPC, Thompson DR, Griffiths R, Lo SHS. (2010). Accuracy of biochemical markers for predicting nasogastric tube placement in adults--a systematic review of diagnostic studies. Int J Nurs Stud, 47(8), 1037-1046.


Fung YL, Chan ZCY, Chien WT. (2014). Role performance of psychiatric nurses in advanced practice: A systematic review of the literature. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs., 21, 698-714.


Gray R, Bressington D, Ivanecka A, Hardy S, Jones M, Schultz M, von Bormann S, White J, Anderson KH, Chien WT. (2016). Is adherence therapy an effective adjunct treatment for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 16, 90. 


Ho JK, Chau JPC, Cheung NM. (2016). Effectiveness of emergency nurses' use of the Ottawa Ankle Rules to initiate radiographic tests on improving healthcare outcomes for patients with ankle injuries: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 63, 37-47.


Hui Z, Yang C, Lee DTF. (2021). Interventions for family members after long-term care placement of a relative with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Res Gerontol Nurs, 14(1), 43-52.

Jin X, Wong CL, Li H, Chen J, Chong YY, Bai Y. (2021). Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological and behavioural changes among parents of children with chronic health conditions: A systematic review. J Adv Nurs, 77(7), 3020-3033.

Kwok JY, Choi KC, Chan HY. (2016). Effects of mind-body exercises on the physiological and psychosocial well-being of individuals with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med, 29, 121-131.


Kor PPP, Chien WT, Liu JYW, Lai CKY. (2018). Mindfulness-based intervention for stress reduction of family caregivers of people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness, 9, 7-22.


Lam AHY, Chien WT. (2016). The effectiveness of mindfulness-based intervention for people with schizophrenia: A systematic review. Neuropsychiatry, 6, 208-222.


Lee WW, Choi KC, Yum RW, Yu DS, Chair SY. (2016). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on lifestyle modification and health outcomes of clients at risk or diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 53, 331-341.


Li C, Liu Y, Xue D, Chan CWH. (2020). Effects of nurse-led interventions on early detection of cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 110, 103684.


Li H, Wong CL, Jin X, Chen J, Chong YY, Bai Y. (2021). Effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on health-related outcomes for patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 115, 103876.


Li M, Chan CWH, Chow KM, Xiao J, Choi KC. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of couple-based intervention on sexuality and the quality of life of cancer patients and their partners. Support Care Cancer, 28(4), 1607-1630. 


Li Y, Bressington D, Chien WT. (2017). Systematic review of psychosocial interventions for people with spinal cord injury during inpatient rehabilitation: Implications for evidence-based practice. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs, 14(6), 499-506.


Li Y, Coster S, Norman I, Chien WT, Qin J, Tse ML, Bressington D. (2020). Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for people with recent-onset psychosis: A systematic review. Early Interv Psychiatry, 15(1), 3-15. 


Li YLA, So WKW, Leung DYP. (2016). Effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion on parental quality of life and glycaemic control among children with T1D: Meta-analysis. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs, 15(5), 394-400.


Liang S, Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Zhao J, Choi KC. (2020). The effects of non-pharmacological delirium-prevention interventions on critically ill patients’ clinical, psychological, and family outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aust Crit Care, 34(4), 378-387.


Liang S, Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Zhao J, Choi KC. (2021). Effects of nonpharmacological delirium-prevention interventions on critically ill patients' clinical, psychological, and family outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aust Crit Care, 34(4), 378-387.

Liang W, Lo SHS, Tola YO, Chow KM. (2021). The effectiveness of self-management programmes for people with type 2 diabetes receiving insulin injection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Clin Pract, 75(11), e14636.

Ling CC, Lui LY, So WKW. (2012). Do educational interventions improve cancer patients' quality of life and reduce pain intensity? Quantitative systematic review. J Adv Nurs, 68(3), 511-520.


Ling WM, Lui LY, So WKW, Chan K. (2014). Effects of acupuncture and acupressure on cancer-related fatigue: A systematic review. Oncol Nurs Forum, 41(6), 581-592.


Liu L, Zhao YY, Yang C, Chan HY. (2021). Gamification for promoting advance care planning: A mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis. Palliat Med, 35(6), 1005-1019.

Liu T, Chan AW, Liu YH, Taylor-Piliae RE. (2018). Effects of Tai Chi-based cardiac rehabilitation on aerobic endurance, psychosocial well-being, and cardiovascular risk reduction among patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 17(4), 368-383.


Liu Y, Tang WPY, Gong S, Chan CWH. (2017). A systematic review and meta-analysis of acupressure for postoperative gastrointestinal symptoms among abdominal surgery patients. Am J Chin Med, 45(6), 1127-1145.


Lo SHS, Chang AM, Chau JPC, Gardner GE. (2013). Theory-based self-management programs for promoting recovery in community-dwelling stroke survivors: A systematic review. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 11(12), 157-215.


Lo SHS, Chau JPC, Chang MA, Gardner G. (2012). Self-management programs for community-dwelling stroke survivors: A systematic review. Int J Evid Based Healthc, 10(3), 276-277.


Ma CF, Chan SKW, Chien WT, Bressington D, Mui EYW, Lee EHM, Chen EYH. (2020). Cognitive behavioural family intervention for people diagnosed with severe mental illness and their families: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 27(2), 128-139. 


Ma, CF, Chien WT, Bressington D. (2018). Family intervention for caregivers of people with recent-onset psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Early Interv Psychiatry, 12, 535-560.


Ma Y, Cheng HY, Cheng L, Sit JWH. (2019). The effectiveness of electronic health interventions on blood pressure control, self-care behavioural outcomes and psychosocial well-being in patients with hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 92, 27-46.


Minshall C, Pascoe MC, Thompson DR, Castle DJ, McCabe M, Chau JPC, Jenkins Z, Cameron J, Ski CF. (2019). Psychosocial interventions for stroke survivors, carers and survivor-carer dyads: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Top Stroke Rehabil, 26(7), 554-564. 


Mou H, Wong MS, Chien WT. (2021). Effectiveness of dyadic psychoeducational intervention for stroke survivors and family caregivers on functional and psychosocial health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 120, 103969.

Ng MF, Leung DYP, Chan HYL. (2015). Effect of advance care planning on knowledge, behaviour, and wellbeing of older adults: A systematic review. Asian J Gerontol Geriatr, 11, 27-30.


Ng MSN, Chan DNS, Cheng Q, Miaskowski C, So WKW. (2021). Association between financial hardship and symptom burden in patients receiving maintenance dialysis: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(18), 9541.

Ngan HY, Chong YY, Chien WT. (2021). Effects of mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions on diabetes distress and glycaemic level in people with type 2 diabetes: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabet Med, 38(4), e14525.


Parmar A, Esser K, Barreira L, Miller D, Morinis L, Chong YY, Smith W, Major N, Church P, Cohen E, Orkin J. (2021). Acceptance and commitment therapy for children with special health care needs and their parents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(15), 8205.

Phiri P, Chan CWH, Wong CL. (2020). The scope of family-centred care practices, and the facilitators and barriers to implementation of family-centred care for hospitalised children and their families in developing countries: An integrative review. J Pediatr Nurs, 55, 10-28.          


Rao S, Han X, Shi M, Siu CO, Waye MMY, Liu G, Wing YK. (2019). Associations of the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with bipolar disorder and treatment response: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 89, 214-226.


So WKW, Chan RJ, Chan DNS, Hughes BG, Chair SY, Choi KC, Chan CW. (2012). Quality-of-life among head and neck cancer survivors at one year after treatment--a systematic review. Eur J Cancer, 48(15), 2391-2408.


So WKW, Chan DNS, Lou Y, Choi KC, Chan CWH, Shin K, Kwong A, Lee DTF. (2015). Brassiere wearing and breast cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. World J Meta-Anal, 3(4), 193-205.


So WKW, Law BMH, Chan DNS, Xing W, Chan CWH, McCarthy AL. (2020). The effect of nonpharmacological interventions on managing symptom clusters among cancer patients: A systematic review. Cancer Nurs, 43(6), E304-E327.   


So WKW, Law BMH, Ng MSN, He X, Chan DNS, Chan CWH, McCarthy AL. (2021). Symptom clusters experienced by breast cancer patients at various treatment stages: A systematic review. Cancer Med, 10(8), 2531-2565.

Song D, Yu DSF, Li PWC, Lei Y. (2018). The effectiveness of physical exercise on cognitive and psychological outcomes in individuals with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 79, 155-164.


Tang WPY, Chan CWH, Leung DYP, Chan DNS. (2019). The effects of psychoeducational interventions on caregivers of children with cancer: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Child Health Care, 24(1), 123-142.


Temesgen WA, Chien WT, Bressington D. (2019). Conceptualizations of subjective recovery from recent onset psychosis and its associated factors: A systematic review. Early Interv Psychiatry13(2), 181-193.


Tola YO, Chow KM, Liang W. (2021). Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: A systematic review. J Clin Nurs, 30(23-24), 3369-3384.

Wan X, Chau JPC, Mou H, Liu X. (2021). Effects of peer support interventions on physical and psychosocial outcomes among stroke survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 121, 104001.

Wong MS, Mou H, Chien WT. (2021). Effectiveness of educational and supportive intervention for primiparous women on breastfeeding related outcomes and breastfeeding self-efficacy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 117, 103874.


Xiao J, Chow KM, Liu Y, Chan CWH. (2019). Effects of dignity therapy on dignity, psychological well-being, and quality of life among palliative care cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychooncology, 28(9), 1791-1802.


Xiao W, Chow KM, So WKW, Leung DY, Chan CW. (2016). The effectiveness of psychoeducational intervention on managing symptom clusters in patients with cancer: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Cancer Nurs, 39(4), 279-291.


Yan T, Chan CWH, Chow KM, Zheng W, Sun M. (2020). A systematic review of the effects of character strengths-based intervention on the psychological well-being of patients suffering from chronic illnesses. J Adv Nurs, 76(7), 1567-1580. 


Yang C, Zhu S, Lee DTF, Chair SY. (2021). Interventions for improving medication adherence in community-dwelling older people with multimorbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 126, 104154.

Yu X, Chau JPC, Huo L. (2018). The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine-based lifestyle interventions on biomedical, psychosocial, and behavioral outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 80, 165-180.


Zeng Y, Huang M, Cheng AS, Zhou Y, So WKW. (2015). Meta-analysis of the effects of exercise intervention on quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer, 21(3), 262-274.


Zhang Q, Chair SY, Lo SHS, Chau JPC, Schwade M, Zhao X. (2020). Association between shift work and obesity among nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 112, 103757. 


Zhao J, Chau JPC, Y Zang, Lo SHS, Choi KC, Liang S. (2021). The effects of sitting Tai Chi on physical and psychosocial health outcomes among individuals with impaired physical mobility: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud, 118, 103911.


Zhong LL, Zheng Y, Lau AY, Wong N, Yao L, Wu X, Shao T, Lu Z, Li H, Yuen CS, Guo J, Lo SHS, Chau JPC, Chan KW, Ng BFL, Bian Z, Yu EC. (2021). Would integrated Western and traditional Chinese medicine have more benefits for stroke rehabilitation? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Stroke Vasc Neurol. Advance online publication.

Zhu Z, Xing W, Zhang X, Hu Y, So WKW. (2020). Cancer survivors' experiences with financial toxicity: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Psychooncology, 29(6), 945-959.


Zou H, Cao X, Chair SY. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of mindfulness-based interventions for patients with coronary heart disease. J Adv Nurs, 77(5), 2197-2213. 


Zou H, Cao X, Geng J, Chair SY. (2020). Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on health-related outcomes for patients with heart failure: A systematic review. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 19(1), 44-54. 


Systematic Review Protocol

Chan S, Thompson DR, Chau JPC. (2007). Effects of multisensory therapy on behaviour of adult clients with developmental disabilities. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 5(5), 18.

Chau JPC, Lee DTF, Lo SHS. (2008). Eye irrigation for patients with ocular chemical burns: A systematic review. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 6(12), 1−17. 

Chau JPC, Lo SHS. (2012). Computer-based interventions for stroke survivors: A systematic review. JBI Libr Syst Rev, 10(42 Suppl), 1-23.

Chau JPC, Thompson DR, Fernandez R, Griffiths R, Lo SHS. (2009). Methods for determining the correct nasogastric tube placement after insertion. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 7(16)679−760.

Cheng HY, Chair SY, Chau JPC. (2010). The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for family caregivers on the psychosocial wellbeing, physical health and quality of life of stroke family caregivers and their stroke survivors: A systematic review. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 8(16), 126.

Lo SHS, Chang A, Chau JPC, & Gardner G. (2011). Self-management programs for promoting recovery in community-dwelling stroke survivors: A systematic review. JBI Libr Syst Rev, 9(64 Suppl. 1), S349-S367.

Mok ALF, Chau JPC, Chan D, Ip WY. (2014). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral interventions in reducing stress among nurses working in hospitals: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 12(7), 12-23.

Ramis MA, Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Sanders L, Chang AM. (2015). The effectiveness of peer-based interventions on health promoting behaviors in older people: A systematic review protocol of quantitative evidence. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 13(9), 177186.

To KW, Lee WM, Choi KC, Yu D, Chau JPC, Lee I. (2013). Educational and supportive interventions for improving adherence to inhalation therapy in people with chronic respiratory diseases: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep, 11(1), 329−345.

Zhao J, Chau JPC, Zang Y, Lo SHS, Choi KC, Liang S. (2020). The effects of sitting Tai Chi on physical and psychosocial health outcomes among individuals with impaired physical mobility. Medicine (Baltimore), 99(34), e21805. 


Zhu Z, Xing W, Lizarondo L, Peng J, Hu Y, So WKW. (2020). Psychometric properties of self-reported financial toxicity measures in cancer survivors: A systematic review protocol using COSMIN methodology. BMJ Open, 10(5), e036365.