- 瑞德西韋用於治療 COVID-19 患者 (Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19)
- 阻斷白細胞介素-6(interleukin-6; 一種參與免疫應答的蛋白質)的藥物能否治療COVID-19?(Can medicines that block interleukin-6 (a protein involved in immune responses) treat COVID-19?)
- 用於診斷SARS-CoV-2感染的快速即時抗原和分子檢測 (Rapid, point-of-care antigen and molecular-based tests for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection)
- 哪種類型的心臟和血管問題會使COVID-19感染複雜化? 這些問題有多常見? 這些患者還有哪些其他疾病?(What type of heart and blood vessel problems complicate COVID‐19 infections, how common are they and what other medical conditions do these patients have?)
- 確定在初級保健或醫院門診就診的患者是否患有COVID-19的體征和癥狀(Signs and symptoms to determine if a patient presenting in primary care or hospital outpatient settings has COVID-19)
- 常規實驗室檢測診斷COVID-19的準確性如何?(How accurate are routine laboratory tests for diagnosis of COVID-19?)
- 洗手或戴口罩等物理措施是否能阻止或減緩呼吸道病毒的傳播?(Do physical measures such as hand-washing or wearing masks stop or slow down the spread of respiratory viruses?)
- 在疫情大流行間期和後期提高一線醫護人員的心理彈性和心理健康(Supporting resilience and mental well-being in frontline healthcare professionals during and after a pandemic)
- 更新的Cochrane快速綜述評估了COVID-19大流行期間檢疫隔離的有效性(Updated Cochrane Rapid Review assesses the effectiveness of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic)
- 診斷COVID-19的胸部影像學檢查(Thoracic imaging tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19)
- 血液稀釋劑能防止COVID-19住院患者出現血栓嗎? (Do blood thinners prevent people who are hospitalised with COVID-19 from developing blood clots?)
- 心理和社會干預能預防受人道主義危機影響的中低收入國家人群的精神健康障礙嗎? (Do psychological and social interventions prevent mental health disorders in low-and middle-income countries affected by humanitarian crises?)
- 在口腔科治療過程中減少氣溶膠產生的措施是否可防止傳染病的傳播? (Do measures that aim to reduce aerosol production during dental procedures prevent the transmission of infectious diseases?)
- COVID-19治癒患者的血漿對治療COVID-19患者有效嗎? (Is plasma from people who have recovered from COVID‐19 an effective treatment for people with COVID‐19?)
- 使用移動技術促進醫護專業人員之間的交流和照護管理 (Featured Review: Using mobile technologies to promote communication and management of care between healthcare professionals)
- 漱口水或鼻腔噴霧劑能保護醫護人員和患者免受COVID-19感染嗎? (Can mouthwashes or nasal sprays protect healthcare workers and patients from COVID-19 infection?)
- 遏制COVID-19大流行的旅行相關控制措施的Cochrane 快速綜述 (Cochrane Rapid Review examines travel-related control measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic)
- 一項Cochrane 快速綜述研究了COVID-19篩查的有效性 (Cochrane Rapid Review investigates the effectiveness of screening for COVID-19)
- 成年急性呼吸窘迫綜合征重症患者的氧療 (Oxygen therapy in adult intensive care patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome)
- 用於診斷SARS-CoV-2感染的快速即時抗原和分子檢測 (Rapid, point-of-care antigen and molecular-based tests for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection)
- 一項新的Cochrane綜述評估了COVID-19抗體檢測的準確性 (New Cochrane review assesses how accurate antibody tests are for detecting COVID-19)
- 醫護人員遵循呼吸道傳染病防控指南的影響因素 (Factors that influence whether healthcare workers follow infection prevention and control guidelines for respiratory infectious diseases)
- 單純隔離或聯合其他公共衛生措施控制冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 傳播的效果如何? (How effective is quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control coronavirus (COVID-19)?)
- Cochrane綜述確認了MMR疫苗的有效性 (Cochrane Review confirms effectiveness of MMR vaccines)
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to clinical rehabilitation
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): remote care through telehealth
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): regional anaesthesia to reduce drug use in anaesthesia and avoid aerosol generation
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): effective options for quitting smoking during the pandemic
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): Evidence relevant to critical care
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): optimizing health in the home workspace
- Cochrane Special Collection Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for wellbeing in the healthcare workforce