LEAD 1001 學生分享
Abigail Soryal|Global Studies|Year 1
LEAD 1001 is a great opportunity for anyone looking for practical introductions to the issues of leadership in a globalizing world. LEAD 1001’s flexible curriculum allowed me to design a course that fit along with my interests and goals for the course. Many of the sessions were relevant and evidently designed with university students in mind.
I appreciated the chance to meet and discuss with other CUHK students who had similar interests in culture, leadership, and globalization, but diverse backgrounds and experiences. As an international student, the course also offered some perspectives on cultural adaptation that complemented my previous research and changed the way I viewed my transition into Hong Kong.
Bedco Chan|IBBA|Year 3
Leadership is not about pointing your fingers to your subordinates – it is about how you can work with your team player as a team. And when it comes to international leadership, things become complicated when culture is in play. LEAD 1001 provides me with the essential knowledge of cultural sensitivity, planning and marketing skills needed to execute a project successfully.
Through small-group discussions and presentations, I have learnt a lot from other students. Not only exchanging innovative marketing ideas but also learning some cultural background knowledge from international students (such as cultural taboos when doing business in particular countries). All in all, this program is a worth-while experience to build up your cultural sensitivity and brush up your management skills.
Max Chung|Public Health|Year 2
LEAD 1001 is a great platform for me to interact with the world while staying at home. To best describe this course, it is a journey around the world, learning and understanding different countries through culture, race, and religions. It is also a valuable lesson to equip me with skills such as how to work with people and deal with tricky interpersonal situations.
Even till this day, the experience in the course is still inspiring me to think outside-of-the-box, take on the leadership position in my school projects, and encouraging me to learn more about the world. It will be invaluable in the foreseeable future.
Global leadership has been a pipe dream for me since I was a secondary school student. Who does not like traveling around the globe as your job? Yet, Australia bushfire, Great Barrier Reef turning white, Amazon fire, COVID-19, #metoo are some of the examples that the world actually needs these people to take the role of global citizens. What I learnt to be a global leader is to transcends all borders and take initiatives and responsibilities to care for the world, and sometimes, you do not need to physically travel, it is the attitude to care that matters.
Sammy Zhang|Integrated BBA & JD|Year 2
I am thankful that I joined this program because I have gained a lot from it. In addition to knowledge about different professional fields such as public relations management and social enterprise operation, I have acquired a more thorough understanding of global leadership, more specifically, what essential characters leaders need, after listening to speakers’ sharing that based on their hands-on experience.
In the sharing on public relations and media management, I have learnt more about how a large-scale corporation manage the communication well between it and its publics, especially in the event of an emergency. It is not an easy task when the PR strategy will impact the brand name and returns.
Furthermore, in Dialogue and Networking with Hong Kong Young Leaders, I have learnt more about the operation of a social enterprise, for example, how to develop a budgeting plan with limited resources in the initial stage and how to reach target audience when the products have not entered the mainstream market. Frankly, it is the first time for me to know the social enterprise Eco-greenery and I was impressed by its innovative idea on green fashion, making coin holder wallet with upcycled food packaging. Also, I have observed the characters as a young leader from the speakers. Besides to be creative and brave in any attempt, a young leader should have a global vision and awareness of societal needs.
I enjoyed all the dialogues with professionals, and I am grateful for the genuine sharing of the speakers. I believe what I have gained in this program will be beneficial to my career development and personal flourishing.
Ualiyeva Adiya|Biomedical Sciences|Year 1
Participation in this program gave me an opportunity to understand the character traits that define a leader. I realized that leader is not specifically an extrovert with a bright and charismatic personality, who is the best at everything. No, not at all. Leader is not the person who is the best player in the team; it is the person who makes his team play better.
LEAD 1001 increased my understanding that a leader should be aware about certain specificities of people of different backgrounds, nationalities and beliefs. Moreover, I was able to learn new skills from experts and instantly apply them in practice during the workshops, as well as during my project works in university.
I extremely grateful for the professionals and experts that shared their experience with us. They gave us all the tools that we need to utilize and skills that we need to develop. I am looking forward to using and expanding the knowledge that I have gained throughout these several weeks in order to become a true leader!