Important Reminders and Useful Information 重要提示及實用資料
Important Reminder
ITSC has selected 8 steps for you as a new student quick start guide. This can help you learn the must-use services, including
- Collect and set up student account
- Know the requirement of entering the campus
- Use the vital IT services, such as email, Wi-Fi, teaching tools and free software to facilitate your study
For details, please visit:
Need Help? Please contact ITSC Service Desk ( or 3943 8845 during office hours.
中大資訊科技服務處特意為你精選「新生8件事」,助你認識中大人必需使用的 IT 服務,包括
- 領取及設定學生帳戶
- 進入中大校園需知
- 使用基本 IT 服務,如電郵、WiFi、教學系統及供免費下載或使用的軟件
如需協助,可於辦公時間聯絡中大資訊科技服務處(網址: / 電話:3943 8845)。
Dear Students,
Telephone fraudulence is seen risen in recent years. Being experts in identifying your emotional weaknesses, such as fear and ignorance, and employing psychological skills, fraudsters make up different fictional stories to trick you into scams. In some cases, the victims received pre-recorded voice calls purportedly made from different officials. Then the victims were transferred to another scammer impersonating law enforcement officers, alleged that the victim had violated laws. Victims were told thorough investigation was required. They were requested to transfer money or to disclose their online banking credentials.
To stay alert against deception, you are highly recommended to browse the following websites of Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and remind your friends and classmates.
- Latest Scam Alerts:
- Cyber Romance Scam Busted:
- Phone Scammers Impersonating Mainland Police Officer:
- Phone Scammers Impersonating Staff of Department of Health:
- Tricks of Phone Scams:
We hereby alert you to be watchful on suspected telephone frauds:
- Hang up the phone immediately if you suspect that it is a scam call;
- Do not disclose your personal particulars to strangers, including your HKID numbers, bank account numbers, online banking accounts and PIN codes;
- Genuine law enforcement officers will not ask for your bank account password through phone calls in investigation of cases, or ask you to transfer money to designated bank account for investigation;
- If the callers claim themselves as officers of law enforcement agencies or government organisations and request for your personal information and assets under various pretexts, contact corresponding offices to verify their identities;
- Do not visit any suspicious websites or download any suspicious mobile apps. Do not input bank account and credit card details in suspicious websites and mobile applications.
- If you suspect that you have fallen prey to scams, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222”. If in doubt, or call 999 for any emergency.
Meanwhile, you may make use of the anti-fraud search engine “Scameter”, launched by Hong Kong Police on their website “CyberDefender” (, to assess the risk of dealing with online sellers. You may also refer to their tips on cyber security, such as Identity Theft (
Learning Enhancement Officers (LEOs)
Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section
Office of Student Affairs
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 最新騙案警示:
- 網戀騙局:
- 冒充公安騙局:
- 假冒衛生署電話騙案:
- 行騙伎倆:
- 如接到懷疑詐騙來電,請立即收線;
- 切勿向陌生人透露個人資料:包括身份證號碼、銀行戶口號碼、網上銀行及電子錢包帳戶及密碼;
- 即使陌生人能說出你的個人資料,或傳送載有你身份證的文件,甚至傳送執法機關證明,並不代表他們是真正的執法人員。騙徒可以透過非法手段獲得市民的個人資料;
- 真正的執法人員調查案件時,並不會透過電話向你索取銀行帳戶密碼,也不會指示你將錢轉帳到指定的銀行帳戶;
- 可透過其他的媒介例如電話簿或網上搜查去直接聯絡相關部門核實有關聯絡人資料。切勿使用騙徒提供的聯絡人資料去聯絡;
- 切勿隨意點擊開啟不明來歷的超連結,或輸入任何資料;
- 如有任何懷疑,可致電警方「防騙易」諮詢熱線18222。如遇上緊急情況,請致電999求助。
此外,網路罪案亦日趨嚴重。警方「守網者」網站( 推出「防騙視伏器」,讓市民在網購前評估網路交易風險。該網站也提供使用網路的潛在風險及預防建議,包括避免被盜取個人身份(等,值得大家詳細閱讀及參考。
There are two banks located at CUHK campus, namely Hang Seng Bank (1/F, John Fulton Centre) and The Bank of East Asia (1/F, Pomerenke Student Centre).
Details for bank account opening
中大校園內有兩間銀行,分別為恒生銀行(富爾敦樓1 樓)及東亞銀行(龐萬倫學生中心1 樓)。
The Learning Enhancement Officers prepares a calendar* with important dates for non-local new comers, along with infographics on important documents, campus facilities, local transportation and Hong Kong culture, etc. You may download the information at: HERE
(*The important dates listed on the calendar are applicable to full-time undergraduate programmes only.)
Useful Information
New non-local students, welcome to CUHK! You are now cordially invited to join the CUHK Host Family Programme organized by the Office of Student Affairs, a non-residential programme in which students are not required to live with host families. Under this programme, your host family will show you their support and care in your adjustment to the new life. This is a unique opportunity for you not only to meet local families, make new friends, and get acquainted with a new culture, but also to establish a bond with the city that you might not otherwise experience as a non-local student studying at CUHK.
Programme details:
Application form:
- Cantonese and Putonghua 廣東話及普通話
- Online Taster Courses by Yale-China Chinese Language Centre 雅禮中國語文研習所網上體驗科目
- Chinese Learning Resources by Independent Learning Centre 自學中心中文學習資源
- 自學中心粵語網路課堂 (Chinese version only 只提供中文版)
- 自學中心港式粵語速遞 (Chinese version only 只提供中文版)
- English 英文
Useful Links
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學
- Graduate School 研究院 (PG students only 研究生適用)
- Graduate School Platform 研究院平台 (PG students only 研究生適用)
- Postgraduate Student Handbook 研究生手冊(PG students only 研究生適用)
- Undergraduate Student Handbook 本科生手冊 (UG students only 本科生適用)
- Registration and Examinations Section 註冊及考試組 (UG students only 本科生適用)
- Honesty in Academic Work: A Guide for Students and Teachers 學術著作誠信︰給學生及老師的指引
- VeriGuide 維誠
- Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 學能提升研究中心
- CUHK Library 香港中文大學圖書館
- Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務處
- Office of Student Affairs 學生事務處
- On-campus Accommodation 學生宿舍
- Colleges 書院(UG students only 本科生適用)
- Postgraduate Halls 研究生宿舍(PG students only 研究生適用)
- Off-campus Housing Information 校外住宿資訊
- Transport Office 交通處
- University Health Service 大學保健處
- Chinese Medicine Clinic 中醫專科診所
- Sports Facilities 體育設施
- CUHK Mobile 中大手機應用程式